Dried grape bread

The skin feels a little crispy, and the inside is super soft, with a sweet taste of raisins, and a little bit of sour taste of yogurt, this sweet and sour combination is wonderful, you can eat it and fall in love with it. ...


Cinnamon rolls

This bread is high in fat, high in sugar, high in calories, and friends who are losing weight should eat it carefully.I don't like cinnamon, but to make bread is so high in fat, the smell is imaginable, the key is the sugar, take a bite, the sauce sounds, I just love the taste.Six plates are too crowded, but I'm worried that the two plates will be uneven, so don't worry about what you sell, good food is the way to go.Besides, it's not only heavy in taste, it's a bit heavy in appearance. I've seen some cinnamon roll...


Chinese bean sandwiches

I like to make bread using the Chinese method, the internal organization of the relatively direct bread is more delicate and fluffy, and it is still soft after two days of storage, this square is seen in the meditation lotus, I reduced the sugar oil content slightly.It's stuffed with soy sauce, and the kids love it!...


Red bean bread

The big bread that my family eats for breakfast, tried the egg maker and the noodle method, the relatives who don't have a bread maker can try it....


Scented gold bread rolls

(The dosage is for reference only, please read the Tips before making it.)The most special thing about this bread is that it is made by folding and unfolding the dough many times to make it delicate, and finally to give the finished product a beautiful silk effect and a clean and delicate outer skin. After testing it by hand, my feeling is that this method of operation can really make the dough very uniform.I think it's like we're making a dumpling, and then we're fermenting it, and then we're squeezing it out, and...


Rye bread

It's a very simple bread, no sugar, only 5 grams of butter, it should be considered French bread, I don't have French bread flour, the flour used is also the usual high flour, even black wheat flour is ordinary farmer's flour, the simpler the ingredient, the more it brings out the flavor of the flour itself, it is used with yellow mustard sauce, the taste is wonderful, the most suitable garlic or butter toast bread;...


Steak oil pack

Delicious beef steak pack...


Old fashioned bread

The original bread plan was interrupted, and the old-fashioned bread was made.When it was hot, I wanted to do it too.I've forgotten why I haven't done it anyway.And then I completely forgot about it.Suddenly seeing old-fashioned bread, he got up and inserted old-fashioned bread into the original planned bread sequence.Three fermentations, it took too long.I don't know how long it's going to take for the yeast to rise and fall in April.Four or five hours, wouldn't that be too much? Let's get over it, don't let it st...


Purple cranberry juice bread

Since the advent of the oven, bread makers have rarely been used to make bread, but if you want to be lazy, it's more economical to make bread with a bread maker.Today I'm going to make a big loaf of bread, and the ingredients are baked bread from the big kitchen, and the baked bread is very addictive to eat!...


Strawberry toast

This hand-crafted toaster to help make the strawberry toast is also delicious.The strawberry sauce is also self-cooked, thick and sweet, wrapped in toast, both adding flavor and making the toast look very good. ...


Onion bread

All the materials
In the bowl, add the starch, the milk powder, the egg yolk, add the salt, and the white sugar, the...


Lightly powdered rose bread

Today I baked a light-powdered rose bread for my family.The children love the variety of bread, and often make it for breakfast, homemade bread without butter, nutritious and healthy. ...
