Chocolate bread

I've made a lot of different kinds of bread, and I like to make different kinds of bread, and it's just that this pattern, the shape of the flowers and the taste are so delicious!...


Almond candy bread

I used to like to buy a cake with almond slices on it, but I didn't eat the cake, but I picked up a piece of almond slices on the cake and put it in my mouth to taste.Now I'm going to bake it myself, and I'm going to put a layer of almond slices on top of the bread, and I'm going to be satisfied.This portion can make eight loaves of bread. ...


Bread and cheese

This bread has been very popular lately, and my friends in the food industry are making it, so how could I miss it? So I made two 6-inch ones myself over the weekend, to satisfy my own and my family's wishes.The cheese filling was delicious. Oh, I used the cream cheese from Kiri, it tastes good.I've made so many loaves of bread, and I think the unpleasantness of the bread has a lot to do with the flour, and for now, I think the almond flour is good, and I recommend it to everyone....


Bag of beans

Put an egg, 50 grams of white sugar, and all the ingredients except the flour together.
Add flour and starch. Select...


Cheese bags that explode

All the panels, except for the butter, are mixed into a smooth dough, and the softened pieces of butter are mixed to the...


Spinach milk and whole wheat toast

Spinach is washed and cooked.
Mix all the ingredients in a freshly packed bag and refrigerate for more t...


The onion is loose and breaks the bread.

To make this bread, I actually tried a new easy-to- bake bread powder, and a big bottle of meatloaf from a good friend, so I chose this bread!...


Cheese bags

Let's make some of the most popular cheese bags on the internet!...


Coconut bread rolls

Except for butter, all the ingredients are put into the bread machine.
Connect to the network, start the bread maker...


Strange faces squeezing small loaves of bread

It's easy to make a small loaf of bread for breakfast or afternoon tea, just by hand....


Easy-to-make coconut bread

This is almost the most common kind of bread that my family makes, and it's a medium-sized bread, and it's easy to say it's easy, and it's hard to say it's hard, because making bread is a time-consuming process, and if anything goes wrong, in the end it's not what you want.This square and the process of making it are more suitable for beginners, including the shape of the bread, and I'm still doing the usual dough and flower rolls.It's very simple. ...


Flaxseed yogurt bread

Preparing materials
The prepared intermediate material is placed in the bread bucket in the order of wet and dry, an...
