Red lantern pepper cake

Food for weight loss...


Butter and bacon.

I've always felt that I don't have a lot of butter, so I'm not addicted to it, so I've always had a lot of fat, so I've always had a lot of fat, so I've always had a lot of fat. ...


Peanut butter bread

First liquid (milk, egg yolk oil) then solid (high-strength starch sugar salt) and finally yeast.
The bread maker's ...


Polish purple toast

Polish material mixed to no dry powder, covered with preservative film refrigerated my overnight 12h
Polish and main...


Honey and milk and roses

The girl likes to eat ham belly bread, but the ham belly doesn't want her to eat too much, she doesn't like ordinary small meals, she doesn't like toast.One day, she suddenly thought that maybe she would like to change the pattern, so she tried this rose bouquet.After I did it, I went online and found a lot of these rose meal packages, but I always felt that they weren't soft enough, I adjusted them a few times, and I was most satisfied with this square. ...


Fruit Danish bread

Low-fat flour and sugar are poured into a bowl, stirred thoroughly, eggs are added, stirred until the liquid turns white...


Infant supplement - vegetable oil bread

Learning to bake is something that happened N years ago, then I wouldn't have been a mother, it's a lot of time; remember buying an oven the first day and baking cookies for a night, it was very successful, then I made all kinds of cookies and cakes, they were very successful, until making bread was frustrated, basically all the bread was made by the appearance of the head, I estimate that I made at least a dozen, not very different, then a few years later I was more busy and didn't play baking, now at home with th...


Fruit basket bread

Today's fruit basket bread is also very simple to make, you just need to do a little bit of work when the bread is shaped.Fresh fruit in the middle of baked bread, beautiful and delicious....
