Two-colored bread flowers

Ingredients: medium-sized dough: high-flour 224 grams of starch dry yeast 2.5 grams of starch milk 145 grams of main dou...


Cheese and cranberry flowers

Raw materials: medium-sized dough: high-flour 224 g starch dry yeast 2.5 g starch milk 110 g starch cheese 75 g main dou...


Cranberry toast in the middle

Cranberries are the sisters' favorite dried fruit, which is also used to make their favorite bread.It's still a very popular Chinese toast, very soft. ...


Cream toast

All the ingredients in the medium are fermented into a smooth dough that is two to three times the size of the dough.


Chinese wine-brewed round bread

150 g of red wine cooked on a small fire until the alcohol evaporates, cooled and dried, California tea dried.


Cranberries ripped by hand

I love this bread, the color and the flavor are superb!...


Bacon and cornbread

All the ingredients except the butter are mixed in the cooking machine and then the dough is torn into small pieces and ...


Cranberry wrappers

Don't look at it, it's an ordinary round bag, but it's wrapped in whole cranberries and cornflakes, so it's delicious to eat, and it's easy to make, and you can try it....


Children's caterpillar bread

The caterpillar bread is one of the children's favorite breads, not only because of the shape, but also because the children seem to love to eat the cream stuffed in it.Because it's good to eat, you don't know when you're going to eat a loaf of bread.The caterpillar is not as complicated as you might think, just unravel the steps one by one.It's actually a very easy thing to do.Take a cold vacation and make a cute caterpillar for your child. ...


Sausage rolls and bread

In the children's winter art class, there was a teacher who was very fond of this teacher, and he said how good and how cute this teacher was.So we're having a meal and we see a bunch of things, and he's going to call the bunch teacher, okay?I'll make you some bread, and I'll make you some rolls.Eating bread reminds me of my teacher, who loves art so much that she doesn't want to go to class.The bread is simple, so the kids have to try it.This dough is the size of sixteen. ...


Flower rings in light cream

It's something that you feel is especially worthwhile when you taste what it brings to your taste, even though it takes time.I've added cream to the bread, it's softer, I've eaten two, I'm losing weight. ...


Honey bean bread

The ingredients of the dough are mixed with fine sugar in the flour, and the yeast is kneaded into the dough with a mode...
