Naked rainbow cake

Naked cake has been popular on the Internet for a long time, I finally found the opportunity to try it, this group of children in the neighborhood who go to kindergarten together is very good, because they grew up together as children, so the mothers also became good friends early on, they picked up their children together every day, after a while they always gathered at home, a few days ago a new party was held at a friend's house, in order to adapt to the atmosphere, I made a rainbow cake, almost all with fruit p...


The soufflé cheese cake

I've been collecting cheesecakes for a long time, and I finally started making them for my husband's birthday, and they're delicious and shocking, and I've been baking them for a week or two, and I'm not addicted to them.This cake is actually not deliberately decorated, it's enough to fascinate you, you can hear the sound of a spoon, a small spoon entrance, let it slowly dissolve on the tongue, delicate, soft, delicious, the smell of milk is enough to enchant you, the moment of entering the cake without exaggeratio...


It's a whole-wheat brown bread.

It's so easy to stay in the child's heart, to put it on the bread, she's like a treasure, to see the child's love for the little bear, to find out that the original bread is called bread, to pay for it herself....


Titus bread

Prepare the necessary materials
The bread maker is cleaned at night, so it flows directly.
Add about 45 grams to...


This is the first time I've been able to do this.

Butter softening at room temperature
Grinding sugar until it turns white and grows in volume
Add high powder, lo...


The Black Forest cake

I didn't get the cherries, so I just replaced them with chickpeas.The cake embryo is a six-inch sponge cake. ...
