Onion cheese, salted bread, and an unforgettable cocoa.

There are so many desserts that you want to change the taste, this one doesn't compare the taste, the freshly baked bread, the fragrant, fragrant cheese skin, the perfume of the onion, the soft, salty bread that you can't stop after a bite, you can't help but eat it!...


The mini bacon pizza

Preparation of food.
High-strength flour, sugar, salt, yeast, flour, olive oil, and water are placed in the packing ...


Tomato and parsley bread

It's hard to find smoked cheese, once you want to replace it with pine nuts, don't you just add a decoration, sprinkle something or don't sprinkle it? Later, think about tomato sauce, think about parsley, maybe even a little bit more cheese.Finally, at the end, I sneaked out of the refrigerator and pulled out a little bit of the unwrapped masurilla and sprinkled it on the surface.Forget about the pine nuts, the strong smell of milk.Although the masurilla is completely baked and served on the dough, unlike the smoke...


Masurilla cheese bread slices

Tear the cheese into strips and put it on the bread.
Preheat the oven for 5 minutes.
Place the cheese slices on ...


Lunch meat and cheese bread

Put all the main ingredients in the bread maker, choose procedure 12 - the dough peel function, rub and stop manually af...


Bacon and vegetable bread

After mixing all the ingredients except the butter and kneading to a certain extent, try to open the dough, kneading a l...


Cheese and tuna bread

Part A is for the dough, part B is for the filling, and part C is for the decoration. All the ingredients except the but...


Almond tuna bread

I've been so busy lately, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't do it every day anyway.I've been obsessed with making bread for a while now, and I eat bread for breakfast every day.I've been making bread for so long, but I've never made it salty, because my husband doesn't like the taste of salt and sweet.Since he doesn't like it, I'll do it once in a while, if he doesn't eat it, someone else will, haha.I didn't think it would taste so good before I made it, even my husband ate one, and kept saying it was delicious,...


Potato cheese bread

Potato fried onion ingredients: sesame oil onion 1 potato small 5 steamed fish oil 1 tablespoon half a tablespoon salt a little practice:1. First cut the potatoes, cut the onions, rinse the potatoes with cold water several times to the starch2. Pour a little oil into the pot.3. Pour in the potato butter, stir for a few minutes, add the onion butter, stir for a few minutes, then add the distilled fish oil and the old pumpkin and add a moderate amount of water to cook for a few minutes.4. At the end of the harvest, a...


Cheese bacon and ham bread

The yeast in the intermediate raw materials is fermented in pure milk.
Bread flour added to the raw material.


Sausage cakes

Today, it is the ideal variety for breakfast, its protein, fat, carbohydrates, and calories all meet the ideal requirements.The main dish of this breakfast is sausage biscuits.Don't underestimate it's just an ordinary cake-shaped bread, but it can provide the nutrition of more than three cups of milk, the protein and carbohydrates that the human body needs to work for five hours, and you can combine some fruit and drinks yourself, and the calories are enough to fully cover your energy expenditure in the morning. ...


Whole wheat bread

From the teacher of love and freedom, the soft bread is very good, the bread is between the soft bread and the soft bread, the outside is chewy, the inside is soft, the filling is fresh, don't miss the soft bread that I like, the original filling is made from a mixture of masulila and cheddar cheese in a ratio of one to one, I don't have masulila cheese, and the masulila itself tastes light, so I put bacon, which is another flavor...
