The cranberry cheese fort

Cranberry cheeseburger is a fresh bread made from cranberries, mashed with mascarpone cheese, yogurt, sugar, and lemon zest to make a sour-sweet, spicy cheese filling, accompanied by a soft, soft bread, two or three slices at a time, without stopping. ...


Mini cheese bags with many flavors

The square is self-contained, the portion is three small round bags.As for the idea of the square, if you don't mind, if you don't have a focus, please see the tip.In addition, the square is re-posted as follows, because the format looks clearer, the content is the same as the table of contents: [raw mascarpone cheese bread dough]: mascarpone cheese 50 G, high flour 150 G, egg yolk 1 G, milk powder 3 G water 40 ML, dry yeast 2 G, white sugar 20 G, salt 1.5 G, unsalted butter 30 G [raw flavored dough]: mascarpone ch...


Taiwanese bread champion Lin Yuqiang's Uyghur meal package

Yoghurt, which is our common yogurt, is a Taiwanese dish, learned from the Taiwanese bread champion baker Lin Yuqiu.There are many benefits of drinking yogurt, it can strengthen the immune system of the human body, let us be energetic and have unlimited energy. When I ate it for the first time in class, the soft and not too sweet taste conquered me, especially the unique filling, the mascarpone combined with orange wine, the combined taste is very special, then I thought that my family likes people who like soft sw...


Cheese and biscuits

I love the picture of the cookie with the sugar cookies, I can't help but make it myself. ...


Cheese and biscuits

Lovely shapes don't have to be complicated, this is the one I've been wanting for a long time.Cheese shapes are easy to make and can be enjoyed with children.The shape of the biscuit is inspired by the Merlin, and it's cut with a wave knife, and it's beautiful, and I didn't have a wave knife to make my own shape....


French caramel roasted brie cheese cake

Our whole family loves to bake bread, and we used to make caramel pudding cakes that were enjoyed three times, but we changed the pudding to bread, and here, maybe a lot of people think that pudding is bread, but according to my research, there is a difference between the two in taste and material, the pudding is smooth, the bread is soft and delicate, we prefer the latter, hoping to understand correctly, hoping to be corrected......


What is the name of the city?

Mix the sugar in the egg yolk and stir evenly
Heat the frozen gelatin, melt it all, pour the heat into the egg yolk,...


Tea and honey rolls

I want to try a lot of things that taste like tea and give them to people who like them....


What is the name of the city?

The person who eats tiramisu says: "Then you can also do the troublesome West Point!! The so-called meeting people are not difficult, those who do not, do anything, there must be a way".If you know the best way to do something, then you'll feel good about it and it won't be difficult at all.And as the so-called skilled are skilled, the skilled can produce skillful methods.I remember the first time I baked, I looked at the simplest muffin square and I felt dizzy, I felt what the ingredient step was really trouble, I...


Tiramisu with coconut tea

I chose the combination of coconut powder and matcha on this side, instead of cocoa powder, because of the bitterness of a little bit of matcha powder, just brought out the aroma of matcha coffee, purely personal nonsense, so for everyone's reference.. ...


What is the name of the city?

Seven servings of soft cream, covered with a preservative film, refrigerated in the refrigerator
The eggs are cooked...


Unroasted cheesecake

So the material is ready, let's get started!
After the butter is heated to melt, the biscuits are mixed, laid on the...
