Oil-free and water-free health cakes

It's an oil-free, water-free, super-simple-to-make cake that's easy and healthy to enjoy in the afternoon. ...


Mango flower bread

Mango-colored, golden-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow.This mango bread is made from the squares in the book of honey, slightly modified, the bread is baked, rich mango flavor, beautiful golden yellow, too tempting.In the activities of the Baking Newcomer Show, with the support of friends, he won the prize, got the best baking of honey sugar, zero failure baked good taste, very much liked. ...


Danish windmill bread

Ghee bread, after layering, compared to a thousand layers of ghee, its taste is more full, unique in flavor, and the outer ghee is soft, requiring later fermentation and baking.Gourmet bread can be basically divided into Danish bread and Danish dough. Danish dough and Danish dough do not differ much, only the recipe is slightly different, but strictly speaking, Danish dough is also a type of Danish dough.So what's the difference between Danish bread and Danish dough? Danish dough is richer in liquid ingredients, wi...


Mango cake

I want to make Swiss rolls, but the grill is too small, the cake is too thick, it's okay to cut it into mangoes, it's just as good....
