Wine and meals

In this recipe, more sugar is added, making it a more moist and soft-tasting bread.At the same time, because it uses fermented seeds to make the main dough, it is not easy to age, it is packaged well at normal temperature, it is still as soft on the third day, and the taste is very good. ...


Traditional cakes

After mid-autumn, the family always has some extra ingredients for making mooncakes, such as syrup, water, sesame seeds, etc. So let's make this delicious chicken cake together.Chicken noodles, also known as dumplings, are a traditional attraction in Guangdong. Chicken noodles have been selling well in Guangzhou. Chicken noodles in our old building in Hangzhou are also a pastry that everyone loves to buy and eat.Chicken pie is made from a variety of ingredients, such as crystal meat, milk, garlic and cinnamon powde...


Roman shield

There's no way to reduce the sugar, because his characteristic is the effect of the middle malt sugar. ...
