Fat feet and bread

The reference quantity is about six tons.It's a warm face or a rare face, and it feels like it's made of dough.Soup and other ingredients used in bread, bread made by stirring, fermenting, shaping, and baking are called soup bread.The biggest difference between soup bread and other breads is that starch paste increases the absorption of water, making the structure of the bread softer and more elastic, and also delays the aging of the bread. ...


Old-fashioned bread - the perfect recipe

Everyone in the family likes to eat old-fashioned bread, before I used another recipe, I felt that the main dough was very sticky when it was kneaded, so after several improvements, I had this recipe, I felt that the dough was well kneaded, it didn't take too long to be smooth, there was no butter in the house, I used vegetable oil that I usually cook, any kind can be cooked. ...


Bread in sweet milk

In the middle: add sweet milk, milk, eggs, sugar in order
Pour high powder over the liquid, dig a pit, and pour it i...


Round bags in two colors

All the ingredients are mixed in a cluster, refrigerated and fermented for 17 hours.
Other materials, except butter,...


Old-fashioned whole wheat bread

This time I added whole wheat, which is healthier than traditional old-fashioned bread! Although the dough looks a little sad when it's made, the finished product is more satisfying! That's right! It's a super soft soft sister bread!...


Pack of cocktails

The long wait requires absolute patience, but the anticipation of sitting together as a family and enjoying a well-prepared breakfast is well worth it!...


Medium-sized bread rolls

The yeast of the medium-sized material is dissolved in water and then added to the flour and salt, kneaded into a smooth...


Flower wrappers

Isn't this bread very visually striking? Divide half of the dough into red flour, and then the dough of the two colors overlap, and the silk is strong, and this beautiful flower cake is formed.Silk and silk, slowly tasting.What's up? Are you excited? Then hurry up! The grill of the Karst oven is super good, it's not sticky, and it's good for photography.Try making bread with it today, it's quick and it's baked beautifully!...


Medium toast

First make the dough; heat the milk to 40 degrees, add the yeast powder, wait a while, let the yeast activate, so that i...


Central Hokkaido

People who love baking love all kinds of molds.I'm no exception, even though I have a lot of toast molds at home, I'm willing to try different brands of molds, different brands, different baking times, different temperatures.The finished product is also slightly different.Today I tried the new model of the apprentice cook, and I thought I'd make this 100% Chinese milk Hokkaido.The apprentice cook's mold conducts heat faster than other molds, so my temperature dropped slightly by ten degrees.The time has also increa...


Old bread

Mix all the ingredients of the dough into a clump, cover with a wet towel, and set the dough to double the size (the dou...


Cheese bags are popular nowadays

It's very popular now in Suzhou, have you ever eaten it? Most people who have been to Suzhou should know about this cheese bread, the sign of the garden cake house.Suzhou, a historic garden city, is ideal for living.It's also very famous, and I love it.As someone who likes to cook my own food, how could I not try it! But searching online, there is really no complete method, so I wanted to rewrite it.Because it's my own food, so I added a little bit of my own idea.This is a very mysterious square. ...
