Milk and honey bread

High starch flour, low starch flour, eggs, milk, yeast, sugar mixed together, performing a kneading process
Add butt...


Sesame meal packages

I've been specializing in noodles for days, and I've reached the point of madness, and with the first few days of noodles and pizza, last night I made my first handmade bread: a sesame bag and a soft steak bag.At this moment, the confidence is exploding! [Happy] The square of this bread is my soft bread recipe from the bread maker's manual, I replaced the water in it with milk, then added a little bit of yeast, because the flour is more, and added an egg.The quantities I have marked are just enough to make 10 sesam...


Milk and honey

All materials except butter are packed in barrels and opened for 15 minutes.
Add room temperature softened butter, o...


Coffee and milk bread

When the bread is done, divide it into 10 pieces and put it in a paper bag.
It is then left to ferment in the oven f...


Little lion bread

Put all the seeds in the vanilla pods in the milk, stir and boil the milk, then turn off the fire and dry until slightly...


Coffee and cocoa rolls

High starch flour, low starch flour, eggs, milk, yeast, sugar, cocoa powder, instant coffee powder mixed together and pe...


Super soft steak

The key to the success or failure of bread is whether the dough is the same, the handmade dough is also physically alive....


Cotton candy and rain clouds - milk red bean bread

Uncle Box: Japanese.Today Little Green told me that people are so strange now that they don't write poems or letters.I asked Little Green what the poem was, and what the letter was, and Little Green asked me who I wanted to write the first letter to, and I didn't think to say I wanted to write it to Uncle Box.So there's this letter.The rain clouds that my uncle showed me a few days ago, these days have turned into rain falling to the ground, when the rain is not so heavy, I went with little green to step on the wat...


A bag of directly roasted sausages

This saves more time than the usual two-course bread (two hours at the end), and the dough is directly shaped, fermented and baked directly, and the taste is unexpectedly soft and delicious....


Pack of cocktails

The long wait requires absolute patience, but the anticipation of sitting together as a family and enjoying a well-prepared breakfast is well worth it!...


The pineapple bag

To make a loaf of bread, all the ingredients except butter are mixed and kneaded into a moist, soft dough.
After kne...


Western breakfast - cream bread rolls

Make sure you have a good breakfast, every meal, a simple, nutritious breakfast, with a glass of fresh milk, that's how you make breakfast in the morning!...
