8 inches of ultra-elastic candy

This cake is so elastic that you can press it with your whole hand and it will return to its original shape!...


Cups of cinnamon cake

Last time I shared sweet and sour, today I'm doing salty and sour again.In fact, it's pretty much the same, it's a lot less sugar, a little bit more salt, and for flavor, I've added a little bit of cinnamon powder, and you can use other spices, like curry, which is delicious.Chiffon salé, salé is the French word for heavy salt. ...


Taste - small cake with strawberry cheese

I'm not a meticulous person, but I've put a lot of thought into making this cake, it's not my forte, I look at a lot of pictures of beautiful cakes every day, especially my hands itch, so today I tried one that I didn't make....


Madeleine's cake

The lemon peel is mixed with fine sugar and left for an hour, do not scratch the white part of the lemon peel, the white...


Cheesecake with flavored cheese

A quiet afternoon, a cup of black tea, a piece or two of children's scone, a moment of mood, a sweet, sweet, strong smell of milk, a heart of heart, a heart of heart, a heart of heart, a heart of heart, a heart of heart, a heart of heart, a heart of heart....


It's easy to make.

This is what my cousin taught me, it's good to try it.The real Madeleine cake is shaped, and today it's just an experiment, made out of paper cups. ...


Orange and cinnamon

The low-fat flour is sifted into a bowl, salt, fine sugar, baking powder and low-fat flour are mixed.
Pour the odorl...


Chocolate cake

I'm using an 18-hole round of Spanish rose, and the recipe is just right, if it's too much, it's eggs, if it's not enough, it's eggs....


Thousand layers of cocoa mango cake

Buy too many mangoes and they'll spoil.I want to eat cake, move....


The original lemon madeleine cake

This square comes mainly from the royal family. ...


A small cup of cake

"Egg yolk, protein separated in two waterless bowls"
Put 10 grams of sugar in the butter and stir.
Stir the egg ...


Very simple walnut cake with no water and no oil

I've loved baking for a long time, and this month I finally bought an oven, and this little cake was the first time I baked it, because I didn't have the time and the process of filming it. ...
