Oreos and cookies

Oreo chocolate biscuits broken by hand into small pieces for backup
After softening the unsalted butter, add the sug...


Italian cocoa nuts

Prepare the material, weigh it.
After softening the butter at room temperature, fine sugar is added.
After launc...


Gallo cookies

Preparation: Remove the unsalted butter in advance, place it in a bowl and soften it thoroughly.
2 Low-calorie flour...


The biscuits are delicious.

Melt the butter, add the sugar powder, and spread slightly;
Add the sauce;
Screening for low dust;
Cover wit...


Scented cookies

The softened butter is poured into a large bowl until it turns pale and fluffy.
Add sugar, sugar powder, salt, and c...


Tea and cookies

The powder is sifted, the butter is mixed with the sugar powder, the egg yolk is added in stages, the powder is sifted a...


Coconut eggs and biscuits

Butter softened, sugar added and slightly whitened
Add the egg juice three times until it grows in size and turns wh...


Virgin butter and biscuits

Butter and sugar fully dispatched
Add the egg juice to stir evenly
Add the chopped cherry to the mixture.


A simple, crisp toothbrush - a toothbrush

After the butter is softened, it is mixed with sugar powdered eggs and stirred slightly.
Do not send.
Then, pour...


Butter and cookies

Preparation of materials
The butter is softened at room temperature, the sugar and sugar powder are added in stages,...


Quick and easy almond butter

Softened butter
Add 2 eggs and sugar to stir evenly
Playing evenly
Added almond powder
Mixed evenly


Onion cookies and cookies

Most of the cookies are sweet, but my taste seems strange, I like the taste of onion oil.It's crispy and crispy, and it has a faint onion flavor.If you're used to eating cookies, you can also try this cookie with a little bit of salt and pepper.Cookie biscuits are high in butter, so don't eat too much. ...
