The Arabs

It's an Italian hard dough stick, it's hard and crispy, and I've seen a lot of kids eating it lately, so I've made some for my daughter, because considering that my daughter is going to eat it, it's a little fake, it's not particularly hard and crispy, I can only say it's a little hard, I didn't think my daughter would like to eat it, she just took a bite, my grandmother also liked to eat it, and said that this should be considered a great energy, because she ate one or two, her stomach was obviously full....


Sugar cream cookie base

Butter and sugar powder
Egg yolk is cooked evenly
The milking is uniform.
Low-powdered sieve mixture


Smiling face cookies with lemon

The more lemon peels, the better.
The more natural it is, the better.
Lemon juice + lemon flesh weight to use


Sugar cream cookies

Fried chicken is a cute and delicious little cookie....


Watermelon cookies - memories of the end of summer

When the summer came, I was thinking about making watermelon cookies, but I didn't start working until late, and the footsteps of the summer had gradually moved away, before I really started working.At the end of the summer and the beginning of the autumn, the mission is complete. ...


Almonds and cookies

The butter is softened, added to the sugar powder and spread evenly until it turns white and fluffy.
(If you like sw...


Calcium supplements and cheese biscuits

I mix the cheese, the butter, the white sugar, the butter evenly, and I hit it smoothly with the egg beater.
Add sal...


The cookie.

After softening the butter with warm water, pour it into fine sugar powder and stir evenly.
Stir the first-step mixt...


Rainbow cookies

Get all the ingredients ready!
The butter is softened and the sugar is mixed evenly.
Add the egg juice to stir e...


Red sugar walnut cookies

Walnuts are delicious, but they taste a little bitter, and a lot of people don't like them, and I'm one of them.Red sugar beauty, these two combined, really complement each other.Have a good one!...


Cranberry cookies

If it's one of the classics of biscuits, it's true....


The tea panda cookies are super simple.

The ingredients are good, the sugar is cooked in the cooking machine into sugar powder.
Low flour mixed with sugar p...
