Cartoon cookies

The butter is cut into small pieces and softened at room temperature, then added to the sugar box salt, and beaten with ...


Onion soup and biscuits

Heat the milk to a low temperature and sprinkle the dry yeast evenly.
Add salt, baking soda, and powdered onions to ...


Oranges and cookies

Butter softened at room temperature with sugar powder to make the butter feathery
Add the egg yolk and stir well.


Chickpeas and chickpeas

Butter and sugar powder mixed evenly
Add whole egg juice and vanilla to the mixture.
Add the flour and make the ...


Milk-flavored fruit cookies

Peel the seeds of the happy fruit.
It's too cold for butter to melt, so use hot water to soften it, add milk powder ...


Tea and cookies

Cut the butter into pieces and soften it at room temperature;
Add fine sugar and sugar powder, stir the butter until...


Egg fingers and cookies

Add 20 grams of white sugar to the egg yolk and put it in a bubble.
Add 20 grams of white sugar to raise the protein...


Almond coffee crispy cookies

At the same time, the almond slices can be placed in a 200-degree oven and baked for two to three minutes to release the...


Honey cake is lovely too.

Baby, I love you! Although I'm a beginner baker, the taste is definitely not the best, but I'm willing to try with fewer additives to make you your own special treat....


KITTY cookies

The butter is softened at room temperature, spread, and mixed with 50 grams of sugar cream.
Pour it into the egg jui...


Sugar cream cookies in purple

After the butter is poured into the slurry, the sugar powder and the whole egg juice continue to be poured.
After mi...


Sesame egg pie

Eggs: low flour about 1:1.6...
