Cake with black tea

Protein (4 grams of white vinegar with a little bit of sugar) process: the protein is first blown into a thick bubble, p...


Cake in the middle

The egg yolk is separated from the protein, and the protein is added to the sugar to create a moist foam.
Add a smal...


Sweet potato cake

Red dates with yogurt and water are cooked until the red dates are rotted, there is not enough water to add a moderate a...


Little cakes with orange juice

Spread the eggs, add the sugar, and continue to add the corn oil.
Add the golden orange juice to the mixture, sift i...


Strawberry cream cake

The butter is softened at room temperature and the sugar is mixed evenly.
Add the whole egg juice and stir evenly.


Chocolate almond cake

Almond powder low powder mixed with sieve;
The eggs are placed in an oil-free, water-free bowl, spread, and added su...


A diabetic snack - a coconut cake with moisturizer

Today I tried to make a cake with cane alcohol and olive oil, which is also good, the cake is soft and tasty, but the surface of the cake will crack, it looks bad but does not affect the taste.My ex-boyfriend has diabetes, so he can eat cake, and I'm happy to see him happy to eat two pieces in one breath. ...


Old fashioned cake

Preparation of materials
A one-time addition of white sugar to the whole egg.
Stir at a low speed with an electr...


Pineapple candy cake

Egg juice and sugar powder are mixed, the mixture of low powder and bubble powder is further mixed, poured into the melt...


A vegetable oil version of the muffin cake

The learning version of your cranberry muffin cake is very successful, tastes good, and is very simple....


Cream sandwiches

Yesterday I was passing by a famous West Point store, and all of a sudden I wanted to taste a new flavor, and I saw this little thing, 80 grams, selling for 6.5 yuan, and I bought a package, because it just looks like macaroni, although I'll make macaroni, but I want to taste the flavor of this thing, if it's good to eat, go home and make it, take a bite, soft, like a baked slightly dried macaroni cake, I'll make it instantly, this morning I woke up early, he made one for my beloved, the filling was slightly change...


Small cake

Electric whitening of butter after softening at room temperature and adding fine sugar
Add the egg yolk twice, and t...
