The Swan Bubble

I promised to make a cream puff for the kids, and to surprise them, I made a swan-shaped puff.The result was really amazing, except for the three that were photographed, almost all of the others were stolen and eaten.I was completely and utterly conquered, whether it was the alternation of taste or the visual effect. ...


Butter and paper cupcakes

Recently, I learned a whole new way of spreading eggs, and after trying it out, I found that it's really much more useful than the original way of spreading eggs, and I believe it's also more suitable for beginners who are just starting out on the road to baking, so goodbye to the trouble of spreading eggs.Here we first use the word to make a comparison, the traditional whole egg spreading, is to put the whole egg in the bowl, add white sugar in stages, and spread directly, this method often has the problem that wh...


Carrot crispy cakes

This small cake is baked directly on the surface of the dough with red sugar, producing a roasted and crispy effect, with a very different flavor, recommended for everyone to try. ...


Red candy cake

Red dates and red sugar are very good foods, they have many benefits, especially for female friends, red dates and red sugar are very good nourishment and beauty products.It is said that three dates a day, youth never grows old.This sentence is enough to illustrate the powerful health benefits of red dates.Red dates can be used to make soup and cook porridge, so do you know how it can also be eaten? Below, rice pudding is served with a super delicious red sugar date paste cake, the finished product is rich in flavo...


Potato cake rolls

This is the third time I've made a cake roll since I started baking.The first one didn't look good, but it was a success.Secondly, it was more anxious, people were uncomfortable, they didn't understand what were the most important steps, so they used the usual method of baking the cake, and they failed three times in a row.After that, I slowly looked for the reason, and each time it was because the cake was too soft that it broke.It turns out that the egg yolk is not released (no elasticity), and the protein is rel...


Unleavened yogurt cake

MM is a recommended cake for those who want to eat light cheese cake and lose weight, it has a delicate taste of light cheese, but it doesn't make you fat....


Japanese cotton cake

Water bath Japanese cotton cake, with the softness of a cotton cake, without the firmness of a traditional cotton cake....


Hokkaido winds

It's as soft as ice cream....


Chocolate and candy cake

Chocolate Control's favorite, not a chocolate enthusiast, doesn't recommend you to make it Oh, it's a little bit bitter - it's for my sister, she says it's too good to eat, to eat the chocolate's strong alcohol flavor, she chooses a recipe in the super Q-curd......


Strawberry cheese cake

These days the children are sick, the adults are fine, they just run their noses.I had a fever, and I didn't want to cook, so I cooked porridge every day.In the afternoon, we'll have to drag the little ones.It's all right now, I'm relieved too.Before I made the cheese cake, I only heard that it was delicious, but I couldn't imagine what the taste and flavor was that made people like it.It's just that I did it for the first time, and there are some places that need to be improved, hopefully next time there will be s...


Cream cake rolls

I haven't made cake rolls in a long time, but two days ago I saw some pictures of cake rolls, and I had the impulse to make them myself.In fact, it's not very difficult for the cake roll itself, mainly the painting is more troublesome, I'm more lazy, so there must be a temptation to start, I don't know if this lovely HELLO KITTY is tempting you?...


Chocolate and candy cake

The recipe is from the Sawarin model book. ...
