The cherry blossom

Heat the soy milk in the microwave, add 10 g of sugar, stir evenly, and finally add corn oil, stir evenly.
Put the e...


Apple pie

120 grams of butter, 80 grams of sugar, 360 grams of low-fat flour rubbed into foam in a bowl.
Add two eggs and 60 g...


Pumpkin cakes

The key to pumpkin pie is the moisture content of the pumpkin paste, so adjust the content of the low-fat flour according to the moisture content of the pumpkin paste....


Yoghurt frozen cheese - as pure as you

Spring is coming, summer is coming.It's getting warmer, and before summer comes, I'd like to share with you a yogurt frozen cheese that tastes sour and cool, but doesn't feel full.If you ask me, what does summer taste like? I hope it's sour with freshness. ...


This is the first time I've seen this kind of thing in my life.

The butter is called 18g and the insulating water is melted into a liquid (the water doesn't need to be boiled, it can b...


8 inches of wind

The baking must be done in advance, and the taste must be soft and spicy.I'm going to share a record with you, my dear......


Quick yogurt cakes

Prepare a small bowl and boil the eggs.
Add a spoonful of flour and continue stirring.
Add one tablespoon of mil...


A banana-flavored cake with a twist

We're going to eat a cake that doesn't make you fat! By the way, open my chimney! Last summer, I was talking too much! Bananas help the brain make a chemical called serotonin, which stimulates the nervous system, gives people joy and even pain-relieving effects.Therefore, bananas are also known as the food of happiness.American medical experts have found that eating bananas regularly can prevent high blood pressure, because bananas provide more potassium ions that reduce blood pressure, have the effect of resisting...


Red bean cheese and yogurt mousse

Matcha red bean cheese cake is baked and used as a base, cheese yogurt and cheese mousse with red bean seeds as a layer.How do you describe the taste of this one? The bottom of the cake is a little crispy, the entrance of the mousse layer is instant, not greasy. ...


It's a quick six-inch cake, and it's a quick operation.

The process is simplified compared to other methods, the ingredients are the same, but also simplified, the sugar is added to the egg whites once.I replaced the 6 grams of low-fat flour with red beans, so it's red, and red beans have a fat-degrading effect. ...


What is the name of the city?

In this hot weather, it's best to have a refreshing and popular tiramisu!...


Pineapple pie

I bought more pineapples, and the other half just made pineapple pie!...
