His favorite snack is cat cotton candy.

He's always loved cotton candy, which I know, and I've been looking for cotton candy myself.I came across a good recipe yesterday, so I remembered it, and I came home in the evening and drew it like this.Because I made this cotton candy specifically for him, he was moved and praised me by saying: "Oh wife, you're great! I'm happy, I've been baking for so long, my husband praised me for the first time, sincerely praised me"....


Flower cup cake

Prepare all the ingredients, separate the protein and the yolk, weigh the spare part, mix the oil and the milk evenly, t...


Love the cheese.

You can make two four-inch love hearts. ...


Light cheese cake

Cream cheese, which means "cream cheese" in English, is not commonly found in many places.But when it comes to CHEESE, you can buy things like cheesecake in any mall.I've tried to make this cake with only light cream before, and it's really improvised, it's so soft, it feels a little bit like cotton candy.So today I decided to make something real, a light cheese cake with cheese.For the convenience of children living abroad, I have specially noted the English name of the ingredients, and if you find a mistake, reme...


Sweet almond apple pie

All the leather materials are hand-picked and placed in the refrigerator for one hour.
Apple filling, first put wate...


Chocolate cake

Butter, chocolate waterproofing melting reserve
Add white sugar to the milk mixture and then add egg yolk to the mix...


Cucumbers and sweet potatoes

My favorite corn season is here, and now I'm crazy about making corn-related desserts, and I've made a list in my head, hoping that I'll be able to finish the corn-related desserts (although wanting and doing are two things).I've sent some desserts before, a lot of food reactions are too difficult, too complicated, I thought I'd make the most basic kind of cake, bake it, and then make any cake is not difficult.It's low in fat, and it doesn't feel soft enough to eat, but the thought of fresh meat doesn't make me fee...


Cheesecake from New York

Among the various types of cheesecake, New York cheesecake can be said to be the purest in taste, with no excessive accessories and decorations, some just full of cheese thickness.Originating in ancient Greece, cheesecake became popular in New York around the turn of the 20th century, and New Yorkers at the time believed that the pastry makers who made the most delicious cheesecake were not native to New York, even saying: "If you haven't had a cheesecake in New York, you haven't had a cheesecake".There are many ve...


Rainbow heavy cheese

The reference is the recipe for your classic heavy cheese, after several attempts to make small changes, I feel that the taste is more delicate and thick, mainly replacing the milk with light cream, the original recipe in the oven before the dough is very rare, the color is not good to make a rainbow, replace the cream after sending the color is very OK....


Eight-inch rainbow heart cake

I've always wanted to make a rainbow cake, but I'm afraid of trouble, this time it's my baby's birthday, I finally decided to try it, I looked at a few people's recipes, and finally I summed it up, I want to make a simple thing, but rainbow cake is a waste of time. ...


Japanese cheesecake

The orange appearance is very bright.
Interior space
Accessories and accessories
For the whole family (oven ...


Cake of the wind

It is one of the most popular cakes at the moment, but its failure rate is very high, many friends call it "seven crazy cakes", which means that it takes seven failures to bring the joy of success, but this cake is still difficult to make, this time at the request of her husband to eat the cake, decided to try this "seven crazy cakes"....
