Lemon and cranberry heavy cheese cake

Heavy cheese cakes are usually baked together with a cake base.But as I said before, I don't like the bottom of the cheesecake, so this time I'm going to skip the bottom of the cake as usual.There are many ways to make cheesecake, and almost every celebrity has their own unique recipe.In my notebook alone, I have recorded the recipes for seven or eight heavy cheese cakes.In general, the basic ingredients needed for a heavy cheese cake include cream cheese, sour cream, eggs, sugar, and so on.For example, in a 6-inch...


Almond and lemon cake

I really love lemons, and I love making desserts related to them.Today I'm going to introduce you to a cake that's very simple, but it's also quite delicious to bake at home....


Light cheese cake

Light cheese cake, cheese, light cream, butter, homemade vanilla sugar, just look at the ingredients, you know how to eat badly, I love to take pictures in the sun, it's warm to look at!...


Chocolate almond cake

The taste of chocolate...


Fruit cake with many layers

If tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and you want to make a cake and give him a surprise, but there's no low-fat flour? There's not many eggs? Is it a surprise?...


Red velvet cake

After experiencing a red velvet cake roll, I made the famous red velvet cake today, and after tasting it, I found out that it was supposed to be called red velvet cake....


Sugared apple cake

Cakes with butter are high in calories and have a high sweetness, so adding sugared apples can really add flavor to the flavor.The pound cake is best eaten fresh from the oven, the next day it can be baked in the microwave for a few tens of seconds, it's softer and smells better. Oh, with a cup of warm milk or hot black tea, whether it's for breakfast or afternoon tea, it's delicious. ...


Cheese pudding

The pudding itself is a very simple dessert, and the most important thing is to control the heat.This pudding is a classic, and everyone who has made it has praised it.It's delicious, it tastes good, and a spoonful of it is an endless feeling of happiness!...


Tomato cake rolls

With pure natural curry powder and matcha powder dyes, nutritional health without additives, a beautiful red tomato pattern, jump on the cake roll, do you have the idea to eat one right away!...


A small cake with cream.

Cream, how much fun.Baking is inseparable from it.All kinds of cream have all kinds of uses, and I really like it.I can't tell the difference between the different kinds of cream! Hey, hey, if you want to figure it out, the best way is to do it, do more baking, you'll always get used to it slowly.There are a lot of things that stink with cream, I used to hit the cream on the head, today I hit the cream on the head too.Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, do it again, hey, you'll have more experience after failing.The ...


Apple cake

This is a food from Norway, and the first impression I got of this cake was, "I want a scene".One afternoon, a ray of sunshine poured into the house, illuminating the whole room bright and warm.I'm sitting in the sun in a rocking chair by the window, sipping a cup of black tea, enjoying the special aroma of apples and cinnamon coming out of the oven, waiting for the moment when the baking is over, enjoying the joy of this food.Norwegian immigrant No Red shared Norwegian cuisine with everyone, was deeply attracted t...


Chocolate cranberry cake

Moose is an extremely simple cake, it's delicious, it doesn't have the fat of a cream cake, it doesn't need to be baked, it's a nice dessert for afternoon tea....
