- What's a sheep? What's a cake?
The sheep are pleased, the sheep are disgusted......
- Honey juice and cherry extracts
Wash the spine, boil it in cold water, boil it, rinse it with warm water.
In the pot, put a little bit of oil, peppe...2023-10-27
- Sesame seeds
When it's hot, you don't have an appetite, you always want to eat something special, fresh, not greasy, but it can make you hungry.So it's the new favorite of the summer, it's easy to eat, and you don't have to sweat in the kitchen.It's cool, it's fresh, it's got a little bit of cucumber silk, it's got a little bit of sesame oil, it's got a little bit of homemade pepper oil, it's got a little bit of pepper oil, it's got a little bit of pepper oil, it's got a little bit of pepper oil....
- Homemade flavored beef
Go to the market and ask the beef seller if you want to dry the beef, he'll recommend a more suitable place, don't be sh...
- Cabbage and beef
Some raw materials
Cutting beef into grains
3 Cold oil with a few ice cubes
The guy spices up the ice cream....2023-09-21