A small cranberry cake

Preparation of materials
Separate the egg whites into two clean, water-free, oil-free containers, and add sugar.


Carrot-flavored paper cup cakes

I've done it before today's deadline, and it's a good thing it didn't taste good....


The black sesame cake

Sometimes I don't want to start the oven, so I use this little cake maker to solve it.It's a little black sesame cake that makes all sorts of cartoon characters that children love, and it's delicious when it's delicious, and it's delicious when it's delicious, and it's delicious when it's delicious, and it's delicious when it's delicious. ...


Light cream cakes

How to use up leftover cream quickly? Try this small cream cake, which has a strong cream flavor and a slightly soft cheesecake flavor. ...


6 inches of cake

It's not a good idea to make a birthday cake with a cake body. ...


Cartoon reprint of the cheesecake

This is a birthday cake from a loving aunt to her nephew, and the nephew loves little yellow people, so she asked me to draw one for him, and then it happened to be her sister-in-law's birthday, so I asked her to write something to wish her a happy birthday.This is one of my original cakes, unique....


Sour cheese cake

It's my friend's mom's birthday, it's a weekday, I can only hurry up and make a mousse cake, save time to apply the cream, hip hip! The mousse has cake slices, mango beans, plus homemade sour cheese, the taste is actually quite good, the chocolate from the printing press is also good to eat oh~...


Chocolate and candy cake

The first time I made a cake, it was mainly to practice making cream cakes.Except for a slight crack in the surface, everything else is fine. ...


Spicy bread and jelly bread

Dried yeast is poured into milk below 40 degrees and mixed, too high a temperature for the yeast to shi.
High flour,...


Bread with meat

Dissolve the yeast in half or 100 grams of warm water.
Mix the flour and sugar, then add water and scattered eggs......


A roll of meatballs

All the main ingredients before the bread maker starts and the process takes about forty minutes.
Or knead the bread...


European bread from the countryside

This bread is mixed with the very fragrance of the rolled leaves, and the smell of the rolled leaves is already felt when baking; since it is a traditional European bread, the appearance will be baked thicker and fired.I like the outer skin of European bread, because it is very crisp and the taste of the bread is not the same as the toast; the taste of European bread is very solid.In addition to the good looks, the taste of the black olives is also very special. When the black olives are removed, they must be soake...
