Fruits and naked cakes

This cake embryo uses a small four-volume recipe, which is really soft and tasty.It is accompanied by sweet cream with rum and plenty of fresh fruit.One of the advantages of naked cakes is that they don't need to be baked, and they're easy to make for beginners!...


Chocolate cake

This is a cake that is more popular with children, but it is also loved by adults, because its shape is really eye-catching.The cake body is solid in taste, but delicious, wrapped in chocolate, and tempting enough to say the least.It's not good for kids anymore. ...


Blood-filled and delicious red date cake

I used to buy red dates from the bakery, and they were so delicious, they were delicious, they were delicious, they were delicious, they were delicious, they were delicious, they were delicious, they were delicious....


Honey cranberry cakes

Preparation of materials;
Eggs, honey, and fine sugar are sent together to the whiteness, and the egg yolk that drip...


The original Madeleine

Preparing all the materials
The lemon peel and fine sugar mixture is evenly placed for 1 hour to allow the aroma to ...


Cake with meatballs

I used to eat one in the convenience store downstairs that had cake on the outside and meat on the inside, and then I got addicted to the next one.I guess it's the meatballs that I've eaten more of, I've changed the taste, I've changed the texture, I think it's wrong, maybe it's the meatballs! So... I wanted to do it myself, so I started the experiment......


English pancakes

Don't be too thin, I'm too thin the first time, easy to bake, also baked like a cookie...


Milk tea and honey cake rolls

The highest temperature in Xi'an in the last few days reached 39 degrees, which is frightening.These mornings are a little cooler, not as hot as the last few days.I felt very comfortable, so I was willing to start in the kitchen again.It's so incompetent to remember that it's been a long time since you've made a snack for your baby.Think of the honey beans that your baby loves to eat, or come up with a different cake roll! So this milk tea honey bean cake roll was born! Every time he drank milk tea, he insisted on ...


Small bread and small cake

Small gatherings on weekends...


Cherry mousse

This cake, which I use directly, is made from the dough of the Chiang Kai-shek cake.The recipe is poured into a 6-inch cake mold, baked for about 50 minutes, then sliced into three slices to make the cake body the same....


I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

There's a lot of cream left at home, the fastest solution is to make a mousse cake, and today I'm going to make a mousse cake for the hungry!...


Chocolate snowflakes

Preparation of materials
Mix egg whites and fine sugar
Slightly stirred, no need to stir or dissolve sugar
