Naked rainbow cake

Naked cake has been popular on the Internet for a long time, I finally found the opportunity to try it, this group of children in the neighborhood who go to kindergarten together is very good, because they grew up together as children, so the mothers also became good friends early on, they picked up their children together every day, after a while they always gathered at home, a few days ago a new party was held at a friend's house, in order to adapt to the atmosphere, I made a rainbow cake, almost all with fruit p...


Birthday cake

Last weekend was my mother's 78th birthday, and I made a birthday cake for her.It's almost a two-hour drive home, and all I can do is make a cream cake, and I'm in a hurry to make a cake that fits, and I didn't expect to get a lot of praise and encouragement from everyone, and I'm really satisfied, because the weather is getting a little warmer, and I'm afraid that the cream will be gone for a long time, and the whole process of making the cake is a mess. ...


Chocolate chip cookies

Give your children a happy childhood...


Rainbow mousse cake

The colorful rainbow mousse instantly brightens the mood. ...
