Follow your teacher to make a cake - a vanilla cake.

I've tried to make a lot of them myself.But there are always failures.This square has never failed since it was used.It seems that the master's square is useful.The taste of this cake is soft and delicate, and the combination of fresh cream and fruit or jam can add some sweet and sour flavor to the cake, making it a great dessert for a party of good friends!...


Cocoa and Mango Mousse

Mango is my favorite! Whether it's sweet or sour! It's not mango season.It can be said that you can have good mangoes for many years. ...


Black and white chocolate mousse

21cake black and white chocolate mousse...The black and white chocolate mousse cake mainly consists of three parts: one is chocolate mousse, the other is white chocolate mousse, and the third is black chocolate mousse.Here's the basic recipe and how to make it....


Pumpkin and coconut tea

It's almost Halloween, and I don't know what to do with all the pumpkins in my house.Recently, I've been obsessed with baking, and I've been wanting to study some fun and good food, and have some fun during the holidays. ...


Coffee and cookies

After the coffee powder is mixed with water, the butter is softened, the sugar powder is added, and the egg is stirred e...


The durian wind

This is a recipe for a six-inch round mold, which should be turned upside down after baking to avoid shrinkage....


Yujin tea toast

In baking, the term is used to describe the heating of flour with water on a gas stove to produce a paste of flour, or the addition of hot water to the flour to make it paste. The biggest difference is that the paste of flour increases the absorption of water, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which delays aging, and is more delicate and refreshing than conventional bread....


The toast of Madagascar's vanilla

In baking, the term is used to describe the heating of flour with water on a gas stove to produce a paste of flour, or the addition of hot water to the flour to make it paste. The biggest difference is that the paste of flour increases the absorption of water, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which delays aging, and is more delicate and refreshing than conventional bread....


Sheep's horn

It's very simple, and newcomers can try it. ...


Marble Goo Hoof cake

I've been wanting to make this cake for a long time, but I'm scared every time, it's high in oil and sugar, I don't dare to eat it...This time, I took the opportunity to try a new oven, and I found an excuse to put an autumn cake on it, and I finally did it with all my heart, it tastes great. And this kind of heavy oil cake is relatively simple for common relatives and sponges, students who want to start baking and want to eat a good cake may want to try it....


Foccacia bread

Focaccia is a famous flat flat pack originating from Italy, which is eaten with a pizza-like base, usually topped with various herbs and olive oil, and more fancy ones are baked with onions, cheese and various meats.It is usually eaten as a main dish in the West, similar to our rice, with all kinds of meat and salads.Bakers usually scratch the surface of the bread with a knife before baking, or press a few fingers down to release some small bubbles on the surface of the bread.It's best eaten hot with olive oil, but...


Cucumbers and sweet potatoes

My favorite corn season is here, and now I'm crazy about making corn-related desserts, and I've made a list in my head, hoping that I'll be able to finish the corn-related desserts (although wanting and doing are two things).I've sent some desserts before, a lot of food reactions are too difficult, too complicated, I thought I'd make the most basic kind of cake, bake it, and then make any cake is not difficult.It's low in fat, and it doesn't feel soft enough to eat, but the thought of fresh meat doesn't make me fee...
