Butter rolls

Butter rolls are a classic soft bread, fragrant, with a particularly soft taste, and accompanied by a milky aroma, particularly sticky....


White bread

White baked bread, mainly controlling the temperature of baking and the placement of materials Unlike sweet bread, it tastes clear and soft. ...


Blueberry and yogurt

The yogurt used in this pack is made from the fermented yogurt powder of the Eupet blueberry, and it tastes great!...


Thousand layers of sesame bread

Combined with Danish dough, add your favorite filling, a soft, crisp, thousand-layer bread, good to eat and good to make. ...


Wheat bread

Put all the ingredients (except butter and bacon) in the baking machine, select the face block, wait for the dough to fi...


Onion bacon and corn toast

Onion bacon corn toast is super soft and has meat flavor, onion flavor, corn flavor and is delicious to eat.This toast is also good for breakfast. ...


Milk and cream

It is well known that milk is rich in nutrients, contains all the nutrients needed by the human body, is the only nutritious food, its nutritional value is high and cannot be compared with other foods.The fat in cow's milk is very high in nutritional value, and the fat balls are very small, so it tastes delicate and is very easy to digest.In addition, milk fat contains fatty acids and phospholipids that are essential for the human body and are fats with high nutritional value.Rich in high-quality protein and calciu...


Sugar beet bread

A sweet bread filled with butter, making full use of a small electric bread maker and dough, making handmade bread into an easy task. ...


Whole wheat black sesame toast

This weekend, I made another whole-wheat black sesame toast, made entirely with the Pear Tree PE6300 fully automatic baking machine.The whole wheat with black sesame has a stronger flavor and is more nutritious!...


Whole grain bread

I've been watching people make bread and cakes, I don't dare to come here, I'm embarrassed to say that I've made bread more than a dozen times, because there are no measuring tools, it's all based on experience to make bread, so when I first started making bread, I often failed, but after doing it a few times, I got to know about the water absorption and firmness of the flour, slowly I started to say that it was my way of bread, in the beginning someone at home sent a small oven of 9 liters, I wanted to try to bake...


Cream, honey and beans

I've always been hungry at night lately, and I don't like to buy snacks, I make my own meal packages, I bought a bag of beans a long time ago and haven't eaten them.Make a honey bean snack bag for breakfast and it's easy to solve, the surface is brushed with melted butter, it's not as hard as brushing eggs, the color is not as heavy, the Chinese method is used.I just made it and ate three of them, and it's going to be a long night....


Boxed bread

I haven't bought a toast mold, I don't think it's worth it, I don't think it's worth it, I don't think it's worth it, I don't think it's worth it, I don't think it's worth it, I don't think it's worth it, I don't think it's worth it, I don't think it's worth it...
