Hot dogs

Put all the ingredients of the bread in the baking machine and knead it into a dough.
The fermentation is 2.5 times ...


Onion and meat loaf

All the materials
Put the flour, eggs, white sugar, salt, yeast in the bowl next to each other, not in direct contac...


Embryo meat loaf

If the yeast is at a low temperature, it's like a child growing up naturally healthy, although it's more time-consuming, but all the unique aromas and flavors of bread made after low temperature fermentation will make you feel that the wait is worth it.Bread after low-temperature fermentation has the following characteristics: the quality of a loaf is soft and delicate; the taste elasticity of two loaves is excellent; the aroma of three loaves is abundant; the appearance of four loaves is more beautiful.The low-tem...
