Purple bread

Preparing the Materials
The bread bucket is first put into the egg, milk, water, sugar and salt to be opened in a di...


Unleavened rye bread

Preparing the food
135 grams of warm water and 20 grams of fine sugar dissolve and I shake this step with my hand.


Yoghurt hand bread - if you don't have a bread maker

Raw materials, weight, butter at room temperature softening.
Put the yeast in 30 grams of warm water, stir and disso...


European dried bread

Large collection of materials
The flour is mixed with eggs, olive oil, yeast, red sugar, salt and dough.
In the ...


Bacon and cheese bread

Throw all materials except butter into the bread maker, open and dough mode (15 minutes)
Continue adding butter and ...


Orange bread

All the ingredients are ready! Except for the butter, don't put all the other ingredients together and rub them into a s...


Sweet potatoes

Today it took a day at home to make so many breads besides cooking.It's hard to wait for bread to ferment.I can't do anything about it.You just have to hurry.Slowly wait for it to ferment before moving on.However, the internal organization is very flexible.It feels like it's melting in your mouth.It's not like the rough taste of a hard-boiled chicken bought outside.There's still time to clean up after yourself.It's nice to see the results. ...


Carrot meal packages

All the ingredients are placed in the bread barrel, the liquid is underneath, the yeast is put on top of the flour, the ...


Sexy Cracks - Natural Yeast Whole Wheat

This is a bread that is nourished by time, homemade lemon yeast, used at the same time, fed at the same time, from moving home to Zhuhai, between months, just like caring for a pet, keeping it vibrant, and then at its best every day, taking out some mixture and then slowly fermenting at the right temperature... the starch becomes rich and tough after a long hydration.The moment you put a lovely round dough on a hot stone plate after cutting it, you're filled with anticipation, you're thinking, "It's going to be del...


Red bean bread

Making bread is not only a technical job, it's also a time-consuming physical job, so I rarely do it.There's a Rosa down at the company, and the red bean toast is very good, and I didn't like toast before, but I don't know why the red bean toast appealed to me so much, but looking at all the additives on the ingredients list, I decided to make it myself.My husband and I ate one each, I left two for my mother, my cousin ate three, if I wasn't quick, he almost ate mine, this guy finally came, the taste is still good,...


Coffee French meal packages

50 grams of milk, 13 grams of instant coffee, 20 grams of coffee liquor and 2 grams of chicken protein liquid mixed in b...


The Black Forest

Put the flour, corn oil, sugar, yeast, salt, milk in the container inside the packaging machine, choose to knead the dou...
