Rose bread

Except butter, egg juice, sesame, other materials mixed evenly
Mix well and well.
After stirring, add butter and...


Bread and butter

Put the ingredients in the wrapping machine and ferment the dough (so the process is in the previous recipe and will not...


Exotic fruit Danish bread like a bird's nest

To make bread, especially to make ghee bread, the dough has to come out of the membrane, I'm sad! To be lazy, I decided to buy a cooking machine, I looked at a treasure and looked at it, I looked at the domestic one and looked at the foreign one, I struggled for half a month, I finally bought the KA7QT I had been dreaming of.I find that I spend a lot of time in the kitchen every time I do something, maybe because of the relationship between making bread and taking pictures, although it takes a little longer, but wa...


European-style walnut and grape dry bread

All materials are ready.
The bread maker starts a kneading process by adding the ingredients other than the walnuts ...


Sweet potatoes

Put the eggs, milk, sugar, salt, high-fiber flour, yeast, etc. in the bread bucket in order, put the bread bucket in the...


Cabbage bread

The dough material is mixed into the dough except for the butter.
Milk may be added or subtracted according to the d...


The bag of almonds

It's become a habit of mine to post about baking, and it hasn't been a mess lately: a person who often reads my posts comes to my door, and you post those delicious pictures all the time...It's not yesterday that a friend called me and asked me to help her choose a good oven, and by the way, she taught me how to make bread, and then she asked me how long it took to make bread from start to finish...They don't understand me, and I don't understand them.I play baking purely as a personal hobby, I can't, I have to eat...


Purple crown bread

The main ingredients are kneaded into a smooth dough and fermented in the refrigerator for 17 hours.
After cooking, ...


Purple bread

Purple potatoes are rich in more B vitamins, which maintain skin elasticity and prevent disease; they are soft and rich in dietary fiber, which helps relieve constipation and reduce weight; at the same time, the raw sugar index and calories are much lower than rice, which is beneficial for diabetics to help treat diabetes and reduce blood sugar.And the purple potato adds a bright spot to the potato, which is the super antioxidant flaxseed, which prevents free radicals from attacking the human body and prevents agin...


Purple bread

Barrels containing materials other than butter
Start and face the procedure 20 minutes.
Add butter and stir for ...


Banana wrappers

Pineapple bread is also my favorite bread, and it's a sweet bread from Hong Kong.It is said to be named after the pineapple-like (i.e. pineapple-like) crisp peel of the pineapple-like (i.e. pineapple-like) pineapple-like (i.e. pineapple-like) pineapple-like (i.e. pineapple-like) pineapple.When eating pineapple pack, bite first a bite of the crisp outer skin, then a bite of the soft part, let the two tastes alternate with each other, that's the perfect enjoyment. ...


Purple fries

Recently, the market owner sold purple potatoes, so it's very convenient to make some purple potato noodles.Seeing that free purple fries feel beautiful, then try to make them, after baking them in the morning, they still feel good, the taste is also good, haha it's a change of shape again.The first time I made these purple fries, it was a bit of a hassle to operate them, so I had to wait for several hours to make them as good as they could be. ...
