Silk meal packages

And the dough, it's more casual, pay attention to the eggs, leave half the dough, rub the bread surface for a while.


Pumpkin bread rolls

Preparation of food.
The pumpkin is cooked for 20 minutes and pressed back into the pumpkin paste with a spoon.


Milk and cheese breakfast

All the ingredients are mixed, mixed until they form a glove membrane, then fermented for half an hour, then exhausted, ...


Cranberry bread rolls

When I made it, I didn't think much about it, I just poured a lot of sugar and cranberries on it, and when I cooked it, I found out that the sugar would melt and spill out...However, although it's a bit of a hassle to pack it up afterwards, the baked bread is really good to eat. I love this dessert, what do you do? Ingredients: high starch flour 300g, fine sugar 48g, yeast 4g, egg juice 48g, milk 160g, salt 5g, butter 30g filling: fine sugar 30g, wine vinegar 75g, corn oil moderate, butter moderate...


A thousand layers of cranberry bread

Mix all the ingredients (except butter, cranberry, coconut oil and vegetable oil) into a smooth dough
Continue to ru...


Ripping bread with soy sauce

Put all the ingredients except the butter in the bowl and stir into the dough.
Place the dough on the board and knea...


Red sugar walnut soft European bag

The yeast in the main ingredient is dissolved in water and added to the other main ingredients except walnuts and Portug...


Buttermilk bread

Preparation of materials
Heat half the milk and dissolve the yeast.
Mix high starch flour, eggs, white sugar, mi...


Octopus ball bread that explodes with summer flavor

The hot weather makes people have no appetite for sweet bread, the summer bread needs a big change, the fresh and fresh salty bread is the most popular.This octopus ball bread, imitating the appearance of the octopus ball, is wrapped in bacon corn cheese filling, the head is the same as the octopus ball, topped with salad dressing, caviar flowers and seaweed crumbs, the pattern is very pleasant.The soft bread is wrapped in a popcorn filling, accompanied by a salad of fish flowers, eaten fresh and full, exploding th...


Old-fashioned bread with olive oil

All the ingredients are mixed evenly, and the dough is fermented, and the dough can be fermented until the dough is cone...


Yoghurt squeezed into bread

In addition to the butter, the ingredients are placed in a cooking machine or a baking machine and stirred until the exp...


Osaka baked bread version, good to eat to tears

Bread dough is made according to the general method of making bread, the milk, sugar, salt, eggs, flour, yeast are place...
