Beef steak pack

Mix the high-quality flour, dried yeast, and fine sugar into a container, add milk (warm) and mix the dough by hand and ...


Danish cow horn bread

It is not difficult to make homemade cow horn bags, as long as you strictly follow the proportions and steps of the recipe, you can also bake fresh and delicious cow horn bags at home, and the cost is cheaper than buying, you can make a big plate for just a few dollars.If you're interested in TX, you might want to give it a try, and it's very rewarding to succeed!Once you master it, you can easily make any kind of bread.Whether it's Danish toast or different-shaped bread, their production process is basically the s...


Paper cup bread - delicious small bread with wood sugar alcohol + vegetable oil

Who says you can't eat bread like a paper cup cake! I was surprised to find that this time the bread was made with sugar alcohol and vegetable oil instead of fine sugar and butter, with a little bit of light cream added to the milk flavor, the silk was soft, and the taste was great!...


No whole wheat bread

I made cream cheese, and there was a lot of whey left, and the whole wheat flour in the house was about to be eliminated, so I used it to make whole wheat bread....


Sandwiches with chickpeas

If you don't do it, you'll do a lot of it.So I used soy sauce to make some soy sauce bags.If you make a shape that kids like, they'll love it even more.This cute, safe, harmless animal has always been a favorite of younger children, so put it in front of your eyes, baby, can you keep your mouth shut?...


Dried grape toast

Toast has always been made, especially I like to make Chinese toast, I feel especially soft, my friends brought grapefruit from Xinjiang, I like to bake, I can't miss such good food! The toast put in the grapefruit has a sweet harvest, no need to add any jam when eating, only the raw juice is really delicious!...


Danish cow horn bread

A soft-tasting cow's horn bread, a classic in the bread.You can also make your own fresh bread at home without any additives, just follow the steps below... ...


Olive oil white toast

Grind the intermediate material into a uniform flour-free dough (keep 30 ml of cold water in advance and add slowly afte...


The pineapple bag

The method of filling the pineapple: 1. peel the pineapple, cut it into pieces and put it in a pot with refined sugar, b...


Cabbage bread

I love to eat bread, but I don't care if there are too many additives in the bakery, or if I have to make my own bread!...


Milk and cream

Cooking doesn't really require a lot of skills, and when I first started learning how to bake, I strictly followed the recipe one by one, but sometimes I failed, because taking into account climate change, the temperature of my own oven, the taste of my family and so on, will affect the finished baked product, so slowly, I adjust more based on my environment and the taste of my family, I often find surprises.Life is like that, there are no absolute standards for anything, you have to adjust with your heart, and the...


Ham and bread rolls

Put the high-flour, low-flour, fine sugar, whole egg juice, salt, yeast water (the yeast is boiled with 70 grams of warm...
