Castor toast

The secret of the ultra-soft toast lies in the addition of cassava paste, which has the same effect as soup, paste the flour to achieve an effect of increased water absorption, which can make the structure of the bread soft, elastic and delay aging.This is the first soup-like toast I've ever made, and even without the cream, it tastes quite fragrant, delicate and soft, not inferior to Hokkaido toast.After a while, the skin is already wrinkled, it's really soft! It only takes one fermentation to make a soft and tast...


Fruit bread

This bread has a soft, elastic, sour, sour, sweet flavor, accompanied by sweet, sweet bread, and has a great taste......


Jelly bread

These days I've made a lot of jam, a small bottle filled with a big jar in the fridge can be eaten for a while! Looking at the sweet and colorful jam, I want to make bread, this bread is not difficult, whether it's cosmetic or in terms of filling, it's very suitable for bread beginners and lazy people like me, the bread is soft and tasty, the jam is sour and sweet, it's been on the stove for a while, the skin is already wrinkled, it's really very soft! ...


Raw bread

Recently I've been addicted to making bread, the more I do it, the more I'm surprised every time I make it, how soft it is, how fragrant it is! Haha! This little bread my husband ate three at a time!...


Honey bean bread rolls

These days, I'm training with the little guy, and he's tired and I'm tired.I thought I'd have plenty of time to do my favorite baking when I went on vacation with him, but now I don't...I didn't even think about doing my homework, and the little guy had to do his homework all the time, otherwise he would have wasted his time playing games...Yesterday I finally had some time, but I didn't dare to go too far, and I ended up making a bread with a baking machine, but it was wrapped in the honeybees that we both love, a...


Dated wheat germ bread

I wanted to make a little bit of it, but the heat didn't allow me to do it, I kept it in the fridge, I wanted to make a simple bread, I didn't get too hot, so I made this kind of bread. ...


Cheese and bread

This bread was made in the past, because the film didn't do well at the time, I hated to sell it, it hasn't been released, but this bread is made with cream cheese, it's full of cream, it's very good to eat, to participate in the event of baked bread, to see this recipe again, I feel I should share it.To put it bluntly, this bread looks hard, but it tastes great, and you might want to try it!...


Flower bean sandwiches

I've been suffering from a viral cold for the past two days, and I finally got rid of it yesterday.I've been jumping around all day today.After lunch, I asked her what she wanted to eat, and she said, "Bread".For me, who hadn't tried bread before, it was a difficult time.It turned out that my efforts were not in vain.My husband and daughter are so happy to eat, even the neighbors next door say it's good to eat, they can sell it in the supermarket! After hearing this, I was naturally furious, as long as I follow the...


The strawberry jam caterpillar

These two days are not busy, it's hard to be in the mood, to give something to eat to the sick man who is recovering, who has no appetite, who has been wasting his time in the oven for so long, who has also made biscuit cake, who has not dared to try, who has made bread for the first time, who is tired of the process of making bread, and who is waiting for the dead to live for the fermentation time, for that is the happiness and happiness of this moment....


Walnut food packages

Walnuts have polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids that reduce cholesterol.Therefore, eating walnuts has certain benefits for the human heart. ...


Flower bean sandwiches

Milk, eggs, white sugar, salt, milk powder, high-fiber flour, yeast, etc. are placed in the bread barrel in sequence, co...


Rose bread

Tonight, I'm thinking about making roses with the wind.I've reserved four doughnuts (so there aren't as many ingredients as below).I've never seen such a fat rose, I've never seen such a fat rose, I've never seen such a fat rose. ...
