Red wine and cranberry candy

I've learned how to do it, and I'd like to do it once in a while.I've read a few families' practices, and I've made some changes based on my own preferences.It's really good.It's good to eat, it's strong.Wine, nut flavor, mixed with red sugar flavor. ...


Coconut bread rolls

300 grams of high-quality flour, 150 ml of water or milk, one egg, 20 grams of sugar, 1 grams of salt, 5 grams of yeast,...


The children's favorite ultra-soft meat and sesame seeds

Or the hot recipe of the goddess of freedom, which is very soft, and it's still soft when it's cold.When we were baking, the house was full of smoke, and we were so hungry that we couldn't wait to get out of the house.Well, it's better to eat it when it's cold.This recipe is really delicious, and it's basically the most popular dessert bread in my house. ...


Ham and wheat bread

I'm tired of eating a loaf of bread a few times, so I'm constantly changing the shape, hip hip, all the ingredients are the same, change the shape, feel better. ...


50% of the chessboard

Love is not sitting, but it should be like bread, to make it with your hands, to feel the elasticity of the flour with your hands, to experience the process of the flour rising in the oven, the instantaneous increase in the feeling of happiness and fulfillment of DIY, in order to allow your loved ones to eat bread without additives.The addition of edible bamboo powder makes this tofu visually striking, and it's a healthy Hokkaido dish. ...


Hot dog rolls

It's okay, after all, these things are preservatives, there are too many additives, we eat too much bread that is not good for the body, what seems to be expected in it is what everyone likes, our hamburger is, every time we eat this is the ham inside, the rest is my part, this time the hot dog bread is very soft, baked five, each one was fat and took two to pick up the children from school, one gave the hamburger to the children with the bread, happy and had to leave, shake hands with me and say goodbye...


Bread with meat

Today I'm sharing with you this meatloaf bread, soft and soft, with cheese and noodles, the taste is more fragrant, the surface is not brushed with egg yolk and water, the glossy color is also quite good, and the meatloaf, the expected bread is always preferred by the family, the fat man breaks a piece first and looks at the good appetite, there is a sense of accomplishment, an unspeakable joy...


Raw berries

It has a low moisture content and a very low sugar content. It belongs to the bread of the more eaten, the more fragrant, the ingredients and its simplicity, it seems simple, the preparation is not simple. ...


Chocolate banana and pumpkin sauce

First, spray the pumpkin water in the microwave for 3 to 4 minutes, press it into clay with a spoon, put the milk, salt,...


The two-tone blueberry toast

This toast uses the color of purple potatoes, the purple of the noble atmosphere has a bright effect on the eyes.Moreover, the idea of eating healthy by applying the chlorophyll in purple potatoes to bread should be practiced.Let this toast, rich in cauliflower, touch you.Beautiful purple patterns in the eyes, soft silk in the heart, sweet and fragrant entrance!...


Healthy toast with black sugar dates

The golden autumn season, when the weather slowly cools down, is the best season for nourishment.Red sugar, blood sugar, blood sugar, blood sugar, blood sugar, blood sugar, blood sugar, blood sugar, blood sugar, blood sugar, blood sugar, blood sugar....


Hokkaido meatballs

After eating Hokkaido tofu, the rest of the bread is cloudy.I've tried a lot of meatballs, but I'm not satisfied....
