Ginger and sesame bread

The bread made from the liquid is fragrant and soft, and I really love it....


Alkaline water knot bread

It is said that the bakery apprentice mistakenly took the alkaline water as a sugar water brush and put it on the bread, unexpectedly it became a tasty alkaline water bread, slightly salty, and beer is perfect, the German beer festival must not lack this alkaline water bag.Beautifully twisted, reddish-brown in color, with a soft, tough texture, a unique alkaline aroma, the middle thick part of the texture is soft and dense, the sharp two heads of the mouth are crisp, the same bread has a different flavor, the alkal...


Salted oatmeal, milk, ham and walnuts

After the oil method all the ingredients are mixed (this one I didn't sugar) fermented at room temperature to twice the ...


Caterpillar bread

The ingredients of the soup are poured into a container, heated to a paste, cooled and refrigerated for two hours.


Polish purple toast

Polish material mixed to no dry powder, covered with preservative film refrigerated my overnight 12h
Polish and main...


The practice of mixing tea cakes with bread

A very tasty bread, suitable for young and old. Soft and soft bread wrapped in fresh tea, double taste, plus a beautiful appearance, can be said to be multiple enjoyment. If you like other flavors, you can change it yourself....



When she was eating the doughnuts, she said, "Aunt, you know, yesterday I was thinking, let my aunt make me a doughnut, but I haven't said yet, I'll have some today, it's great!"When we made the doughnuts, a friend just came to learn how to make them, and after school he picked up the kids, and the kids brought a little classmate, plus our three kids, a bunch of dolls, and when the doughnuts were on the table, think about it, the screams were loud!In addition to making the doughnuts beautiful, sugar powder makes th...


Bread for the Feet

It's a simple ingredient, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute....


Cinnamon rolls

This sweet bread roll always makes those who love it love it more deeply, and those who hate it hate it more! Like other heavy flavored foods, cinnamon rolls are my favorite.Cinnamon rolls are high in sugar, high in oil, and I keep reminding myself to eat less, hey, hey, how can I eat less?...


Snow leaf bread

A long, long time ago, I had a fresh cream bread, to be honest.I've forgotten what it tastes like, I've made a cake with cream left over, and I remember it in the bread.It's really good. Try it next time. It's supposed to taste better....


Red date toast

Red sugar is cooked in warm water and then cooled.
Red dates cut into small grains.
The eggs are wrapped in a bu...


Sausage bread

Breakfast at home is mostly Chinese food, occasionally there is also a Western way of eating, but there is also a shadow of Chinese food, come slowly, Mi Baba has a standard Chinese stomach, we can't go too far! People who used to never eat bread, now they can accept bread, that's progress.It's okay to eat bread once a week. ...
