Red velvet wedding cake

Red Velvet Cake, also known as Red Velvet Cake, is a classic American cake and a well-known staple of the Waldorf Hotel."It is said that this cake is the favorite cake of foreign Valentine's Day! The bright colors of the flame, the soft taste of the silk, create its rich and fragrant flavor! This time I used a mixture of red curry powder and cocoa powder, instead of the traditional red pigment."Although there is a slight loss in color, it gains more health and reassurance, even children can eat it with confidence. ...


Chocolate rose cake

A must-see for Valentine's Day!...


Strawberry and mango mousse cake

Prepare two cakes.
Cross-sectional reserve
The gelatin is cut and softened with milk foam.
Mango peel to rem...


Heart-shaped cake

Love this little heart-shaped cake, it looks so fresh and elegant, but it's still sweet and delicious!...


Square-shaped cake

Wash the mold and dry it until there is no water!
Egg yolk and protein separated!
Put white sugar in the egg yol...


Sugar cream cookies

Thank you for naming this group of biscuits after the grains of rice....


Flower petals and tea mousse cake

I haven't made a birthday cake in a long time, and I've become a little lazy, and I've been able to rely on it, and I've exonerated myself.But because it's my mother's birthday, I can't do it anymore.Every time my mother had a birthday, she would buy gifts, clothes, jewelry, flowers...But she's most satisfied with the birthday cake I made myself, because I'm older, I don't need anything, and my heart is the most important thing.I also know that her struggle, in the end, is to try not to spend as much money as possi...


Birthday cake - the swan version

Cake language: Eternal bond of the heart (two hearts have found haha)My son's birthday is coming up, and I'm going to start making a birthday cake that's going to make him cry, and I'm going to think about the structure, and I'm going to think about the design.At the moment when the cake came out, mine was crying, and everyone who saw it was shocked, and people were taking pictures and posting them online, and the words of praise made this amateur house full for a long, long time.This cake is especially suitable fo...


Mashed potatoes

Cold water softens the gelatin, then cold water is poured into the milk, microwaved for 30 seconds, and the gelatin is c...
