Oil-free and sugar-free chocolate Hawaiian fruit bread

There's a bunch of Hawaiian fruit in the house, and I saw this square of Hawaiian fruit bread in the book Love and Freedom.If you don't have cocoa powder, replace it with dark chocolate and grind it into crumbs.When I started to make it, I found out that it had no oil and no sugar in it.But all the ingredients are put in the flour bowl, and it's only made with hard scalp.I'm going to bake it, taste it, and I'm going to love it! ...


The cranberry pie

Today this biscuit is very simple, every time you want to be lazy to make biscuits, you are afraid of trouble, biscuits are also the first choice, the butter used does not need to be softened, it saves a lot of time, the preparation of a dough is also done in 5-6 minutes, do not look so simple, the taste of biscuits is also very sweet, very spicy, with a slightly sour taste of cranberries, deliciousThis cranberry cake, the recipe is based on 100 handmade biscuits by Mr. Yang Meng, the main ingredients are basically...
