Caramelized cocoa butter

22 years old giving her own birthday cake...


The black gallon cake

I couldn't eat food that could catch fire for two days with a cold and a respiratory infection, but after eating cold medicine, my stomach was more hungry, so I cooked some cakes from the black gallons of ice at home to fill my hunger.This steamed cake is not easily ignited and is more suitable for the elderly and babies in the house.Of course, it's more suitable for relatives who don't have an oven but want to eat cake with confidence.It's delicious to add some black garlic to the pastry.Blackcurrant is not only a...


Chocolate spread bread

I bought a bread maker and went home, and I couldn't wait to make one, and it ended in failure.It's not bad, it's mainly the smell of baking that makes you feel good, you can also try it!...


Baking machine makes yogurt eggs simple bread

Previously, bread made with a baking machine was almost the same as cake, but this time it should be different....


Sweet raisin bread

I have a cold at home.Suddenly I wanted to eat striezel (authentic Austrian sweet bread), so I started studying it.The first time was a success! Only success, no failure! I've eaten three pills, and it looks like I've lost weight.Adults and children love to eat, and if you don't, you'll regret it!...


Soft and irresistible - milk bread rolls

All ingredients are mixed into a dough, and after the first fermentation is completed, the dough is divided equally into...



The main bread does not need to be deliberately stirred to be too fine, as long as it is elastic; a large amount of dough needs to be fermented, which will allow the bread to release its natural aroma and flavor.During baking, if the surface is fully coloured, reduce the heat to 10 to 20 degrees, or cover the surface with aluminum foil to avoid too deep coloring. ...


Whole wheat grapefruit toast

I chose European bread.
Three hours.
When it's done, pour it out, put it in a fresh bag, close the mouth of the ...


One-click bread

Prepare all the ingredients and weigh the necessary portions;
Put the milk in first, and put the sugar in the corner...


Cranberries and flowers

Continue to ferment in the bread maker until the volume is doubled, usually 1-2 hours, depending on the room temperature...


Super soft steak

The key to the success or failure of bread is whether the dough is the same, the handmade dough is also physically alive....


Walnut bread

The story behind this dish: the role of walnuts: the phosphorus in walnuts, has a good health effect on the brain nerves, walnut oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, has anti-arteriosclerosis effects, walnut seeds contain trace elements such as zinc, manganese, and chromium, which are essential for the human body.In winter, it is very effective in treating chronic bronchitis and asthma patients, and in winter it can also moisturize the skin and beauty, as can be seen by regular consumption of walnuts, both healthy...
