The button cookie.

It's been in the computer for a long time, and I don't think I've seen any recipes lately, so let's use this one to put it together!I remember when I first posted this, a lot of my relatives and friends thought it was a real button....


Small biscuits

Low-fat flour, sugar powder, sieve, add melted butter and lemon juice in the microwave, stir. The lemon juice has the ef...


Mashed potatoes

The whole process uses only one bowl, and a rubber scraper, and even more pleasantly, it can be made with ordinary flour, and it's so easy to make. ...


The cookie.

Prepare the food you need
Cut the butter into thin slices and put it in a bowl so it's easy to spread.
Put the s...


Tea and cookies

When we think of matcha, we first think of various Japanese dishes and fruits, but in fact matcha originated in China during the Tang Dynasty, and in the Ming Dynasty, the traditional tea milling was gradually disappearing.At this time, Japan was in a period of massive absorption of Chinese culture, and the tea ceremony was widely accepted and celebrated in Japan and formed its own unique tea ceremony and was passed down.The production process of genuine matcha tea is very complex. Nowadays, many manufacturers ofte...


Oatmeal cookies

The whole family shows up...
Chocolate and gingerbread biscuits.
Cut the butter into small pieces, soften and st...


Green tea and butter biscuits

Suddenly I wanted to make biscuits, I've only made biscuits twice in the bakery, this is the first time I've made biscuits in a grid, there is no mold, the shape is slightly inferior, the taste is good, i.e. fresh and thick!...


Green tea cake

I just bought it, I'm going to try it, I'm going to give it to my friends....


Green tea cake

The original recipe was green tea powder or water, now green tea powder is made with spices and dyes, it is best to make it yourself.How to make green tea powder: green tea dried powder...


Whole eggs, green tea, paper cups, cakes

I can't buy low-flour, so I use ordinary flour and starch 5: 1: my own configuration of low-flour?...


Green tea and gingerbread cookies

I like cookies, I like green tea, I like freshness....


Upgraded version of the green tea cookie

Mosaic effect, green tea scented kitchen...
