Potato sandwiches

Potatoes are an excellent low-fat, low-calorie food, while effectively preventing sugars from turning into fat, which is beneficial for weight loss and health.Potatoes contain a lot of dietary fiber, which cannot be digested in the intestine, can stimulate the intestine, enhance creeping, defecate detoxification, especially for senile constipation....


Triangle of fried potato paste

That day at the market, I saw old potatoes, one dollar and three kilos, I picked and chose and bought a big bag, one count, only two dollars, this is probably the cheapest price.The farmer's uncle, who sells potatoes, saw me picking small pieces, slightly large, not rounded or not, very confused, had to help me pick, haha, actually, he didn't know, what I wanted was this little piece.But when I'm gone, he'll be happy in his heart, because in his heart, I'm an idiot.These small potatoes, steamed, cooked, eaten direc...
