Banana and oatmeal cookies

Comrades who have kitchen cells between the four basic soft biscuits, please replace the ingredients inside....


Corn on the cob

Oil, sugar, eggs, milk, mixed and mixed.
Note that each additive should be stirred evenly immediately before adding ...


Rainbow cookies

Rainbow biscuit features: 1) pure natural without additives, protects the baby's gastrointestinal health 2) the process is super simple, kitchen beginners instantly become masters; 3) eliminates waiting time, operating time is less than an hour; 4) relieves the itching of the baby's long teeth pain 5) colorful rainbow colors develop the baby's vision development...


Sugar cane and cherry blossom cookies

The crushed fruit sugar is placed in the center of the cherry blossom, and the temperature in the oven dissolves the sugar, which is cooled again and turned into a cherry blossom cookie with a glass heart.Are you also fond of these sweet-tasting cherry blossom cookies?...


Strawberry cream birthday cake

This is Tinrry....


The pineapple ham pizza

Place in the oven, heat up and down, medium, 200 to 230 degrees, about 15 minutes
Finally, add a layer of cheese, a ...
