Red sugar gingerbread

Ginger juice, red sugar water, is good for the body and this crispy flavored bread is the classic combination used.The bread is edible, has a sweet taste of red sugar, and a faint taste of ginger.When freshly baked and cooled, the outer skin is crisp, and the inside of the bread is soft.~by @dust...


Peanut butter and jelly

Love yourself, love your family, cook every day with love and affection, this homemade peanut butter sandwich, main course, protein, nuts are all included, paired with homemade peanut butter and yogurt, to keep you energized all day long...


Super cotton clay

The milk is poured into a special microwave bowl, heated on high heat for 50 seconds, removed to room temperature, added...


White bread

White baked bread, mainly controlling the temperature of baking and the placement of materials Unlike sweet bread, it tastes clear and soft. ...


Purple milk and spinach bags

I've been studying baking for a while now, and this is the fourth time I've made bread, and it's better, but the first time I made bread, it was hard and it didn't taste good.The second is that it's over-fermented, it's more sour, it's heavier, and it's not good to eat.The third attempt failed, and the previous failure was better than the second attempt.This time it's better not to shrink, not to shrink, not to shrink, not to shrink, not to shrink, not to shrink....


Fresh milk bread with dates

I've been putting it away for a long time, and I'm not going to put it away again.Teacher Meng's red bean sandwich was adapted into a fresh milk sandwich.The filling can be changed at will.There is no pepper, there is no red bean sand, it can be exchanged for date paste, purple potato paste, red bean paste...All sorts of things that can be stuffed.It's just a different taste.The most readily available is the dates and beans, so you can eat the dates and beans bread.There's no yogurt in the dough, this one can be ha...


Castor extra soft toast

It tastes like eggs and milk.Full hands, full houses.In fact, there is not much interest in this rich flavored bread cake.It's just such a soft toast, you can't help but try it.Why is it that almost twice the surface of the toast is cooked with small bubbles? No, it's the result of slow fermentation under natural cold conditions. Okay, next time heat them up, don't let them freeze.Hand-made noodles are also used to treat colds.The day before, I had a cold and couldn't sweat.A lot of rubbing and wrestling, just feel...


Peanut bread

All the ingredients, except the butter, are placed in a wrapped barrel, stirred evenly with a chopstick, connected to th...


Cheddar cheese sauce

Maybe it would be better with the smaller toast box, but it seems to be a little smaller.The toast box is bigger, it doesn't have to be nine points long, there should be six or seven points that are almost the same.However, when it's cooked, it's a little bit scratchy.The bread doesn't look full, it's a bit difficult to check the color.I'm going to open the oven door a little bit, and I'm going to see a golden yellow line.Approximately touched, cover and continue baking.It's time to go.The color is still a little d...


Cheese and bread

It was only later that I found out that the teacher had also specifically reminded me that the cheese should be cut in half and then put on the dough.Shouldn't the dough be widened a little bit to match the width of the cheese?Perhaps it was because the width of the cheese was taken into account that the dough was thinner, and when the final cut was made, the weakest part was not carefully cut.A small bite, seemingly unobtrusive, but when baked, it turns into a pastry.The cheese, with the help of heat, holds the mo...


Round wine bread

There are no dried flowers, only dried flowers.So he peeled off the flesh of the coconut and dried it.Rice wine doesn't have salt? Rice wine is bad, and bad is rice wine, and that's how we've always understood these two things.I've never heard of it being salted.Teacher Meng specifically noted that rice wine without salt is different from rice wine as he understands it.There's a can on top of the cabinet.The rice wine used to soak the cucumber is unlikely to have rice grains, so draw water to use it.I feel it....Ke...


Purple bread

I've always loved purple potatoes, from their color to their flavor, and I've been using them to make bread and cakes ever since I started baking....
