Wine and meals

In this recipe, more sugar is added, making it a more moist and soft-tasting bread.At the same time, because it uses fermented seeds to make the main dough, it is not easy to age, it is packaged well at normal temperature, it is still as soft on the third day, and the taste is very good. ...


Whole wheat bread

The frozen fresh cream is thawed at room temperature, and all the ingredients except the dried yeast and cranberry are p...


Soft milk with sponge

The legendary Hong Kong milk steak package, the original recipe is made in the Chinese way, due to the limited time it was made in the direct way, the bread is still soft and fragrant, next time I will definitely try it in the Chinese way, I believe the taste will double......


Milk and butter bread

Cream filling method: add softened butter, sugar powder and salt in the container and mix evenly with a rubber scraper.<...


Cigar and sandwiches

Cigarette crackers, like cigars, make the people who love her obsessed, deep, and unable to help themselves.It's a simple ingredient, a simple process, but it brings us something unusually crisp and delicious....


An unusual snack - a cigar sandwich

Preparing the food
The protein is dripped into a drop of vanilla extract, stirred with an electric egg beater to rem...


Elf biscuits and lambas

Lambas is one of the richest and most famous foods in the Devil's Ring, originally made by Yavanna in the Land of the Undead from a certain grain.During the Great Journey, it was given by the hand of the Oromo to the elves of Middle-earth as food for long-distance journeys, hence it is also known as "journey-bread".Although the elves learned the art of making, they were ordered not to share with the other races of Middle-earth who would die unless in an emergency, because according to legend, if those races ate reg...


Gingerbread and almond cakes

You don't need to put butter on it, all you need is a scraper, mix it evenly, mix it evenly, make a biscuit dough, cover the surface with white sesame, and then decorate it with almond slices, and you've got a delicious, delicious, delicious almond cake....


Chocolate eggshell cookies

First, mix the unsalted cream and sugar powder.
Gradually add B to the mixture.
C is then separately sifted and ...


Protein and lemonade

The word pie officially appears in the Oxford Dictionary as early as the 14th century.The earliest pies were used as containers, in which food stuffing was placed, and the outer skin was not eaten.Today, there is a wide variety of fillings, and the fillings vary from country to country.For example, in countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, fillings such as a combination of minced meat, mushrooms, and cheese are more popular; while in the United States, meat is also filled with various veg...


Rainbow frozen cheese cake

Olio removes the cream and crushes the Olio cookies.
The butter is heated in the microwave, melted, added to the Ore...


Chewing cookies

Valentine's Day, do it with your own hands for your loved ones....
