Pudding cake

Chicken protein sugar, mixed with flour dough to make a paste
In the grinder, test 170 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes....


Chocolate and sugar cake

For dessert in the afternoon, my favorite is still chocolate cake.Very thick chocolate flavor, crispy outer skin, thick inner softness, must be beautiful with tea or black curry. ...


Lemon cake

A cake for the baby...


Chocolate lava cake

Dark chocolate and butter insulated water melting
Eggs and powdered sugar
Low-flour sieve, stir in eggs and melt...


The black chocolate muffin

Eggs poured into cooking oil
Add white sugar and stir evenly.
Add one egg, stir evenly, if more is done, stir ev...


Yoghurt-filled muffins

This muffin square is highly recommended, the muffin cake is really not blown, the taste is delicate and soft, and the jam is in the middle, so you have a surprise for every bite, quite good to eat!...


Honey cake

Use the required material as a backup.
Honey, fine sugar, and eggs are spread together, and after lifting the egg ba...


Sweet and sour rice cakes

Separate the egg yolk and prepare the material for backup.
The egg yolk is mixed with 25 grams of sugar, a few drops...


A small, light cheese cake

Preparation of various materials, egg protein and egg yolk separation.
Proteins are stored in the refrigerator.


Red date cake to replenish blood and color

It's perfect for special occasions, it's practical, it's bloodthirsty.Take care of your nutrition.It is suitable for beautiful women, mothers and the elderly. ...


Simian cake

The water is boiled, when the bubbles are big, the rice is cooked, the fire is cooked to 8 percent transparent, the fire...


The tiger skin cake

I remember when I was a kid, my favorite thing to eat was tiger skin cake, the thin yellow layer on the outside, the fragrant soft, the inside of the cake is covered with sweet jam, every bite is a surprise, the most fascinating thing is the tiger skin coat it wears, how do you make a beautiful pattern?In recent years, there have been many pastry shops at the end of the street, where you can smell the cake every time you pass by, but I'm also disappointed that there is still no tiger skin cake.Since entering the ba...
