The cranberry tiramisu

When we talk about tiramisu, we always associate it with romance and love.It's not difficult to make tiramisu, the key is that the ingredients are a little bit more difficult, but now that there are all-powerful treasures, nothing is a problem.Prepare your own food, make a tiramisu for the person you love, touch her (him). ...


This is a cheesecake.

It's a good thing, it's blood-stimulating, it's hair-stimulating, it stabilizes the nerves, it prevents colds, it helps the kidneys, it helps digestion, it prevents constipation.Our family loves soy sauce, and I used it to make a light cheese cake with a pie base, sweet and sour, and sent some to my mother, and of course she loved it!...


What is the name of the city?

250 grams of Mascarpene cheese at room temperature softened and smoothed
Add 20 ml of rum and 50 grams of sugar to t...


What is the name of the city?

Mix the sugar in the egg yolk and stir evenly
Heat the frozen gelatin, melt it all, pour the heat into the egg yolk,...


Fruit yogurt and frozen cheese

Recently, a lot of my colleagues and friends had birthdays, and they were basically making a cake the next day, and there was no oven in the house, so they were making unroasted frozen cheese with fruit toppings, which was delicious and beautiful....


How to make the coffee wine that Tiramisu makes with your fingers

Tiramisu was the first impressive name I came across.I didn't eat a lot of different flavors of cakes, I didn't eat a lot of special kinds of mousse, I didn't have a special taste, I didn't even know that there was a dessert called mousse-_-#, but I forgot where the name came from, but I remembered her only once, and I thought it was a delicious dessert.Later, I had the opportunity to go south and north, go to various cake shops, and also taste many versions of tiramisu, and finally play baking to understand the pe...


Chocolate Charlotte

A dessert invented by a French chef for the Queen of England -- the recipe is adapted from Master PH's Chocolate Charlotte -- here's a modified amount of ingredients and process -- I made an 18 cm diameter round mold....
