Cream of the crop

It is a traditional English snack, and if classified accordingly, it should fall into the category of plain bread.However, it's more of a snack for afternoon tea.With a cup of black tea, it feels delicious, and on the basis of this recipe, you can make a lot of different flavors of sushi. ...


Soups and meals

The kind of softness that likes liquid and soup bread.A bag of food, a cup of soy sauce, and a piece of fruit.A nutritious breakfast is enough......


Fresh milk bread with dates

I've been putting it away for a long time, and I'm not going to put it away again.Teacher Meng's red bean sandwich was adapted into a fresh milk sandwich.The filling can be changed at will.There is no pepper, there is no red bean sand, it can be exchanged for date paste, purple potato paste, red bean paste...All sorts of things that can be stuffed.It's just a different taste.The most readily available is the dates and beans, so you can eat the dates and beans bread.There's no yogurt in the dough, this one can be ha...


Light cream meal pack

Raw materials
In a bowl, mix all the ingredients A and mix them together with chopsticks to make a flake, slightly a...


Enriched milk bread

All the ingredients of the dough are placed in the wrapping machine and then the oil is mixed to the full stage.


Cranberry jam is packaged

The sour-sweet jam with the unique scent of the top pack, combined with the sweet cranberry filling and the silky chocolate, will surely leave you speechless!...


Old fashioned bread

Today's old-fashioned bread is made with love and self-instruction, it doesn't taste very good, I'm sharing the recipe for the first time in the United States, I used to be afraid of trouble, today's food is too tempting, so I'm going to share it with you.These photos are a mixture of mobile phones and cameras, and the first upload won't be funny, so don't laugh. ...


Bread made from milk

Remove all the material, stir the butter to the expansion stage, then put it in the butter, stir until the full stage, a...


Rye milk bread

Add black wheat to bread, add coarse grain, dietary fiber is richer, add milk, nutrition is more comprehensive. ...


Castor extra soft toast

It tastes like eggs and milk.Full hands, full houses.In fact, there is not much interest in this rich flavored bread cake.It's just such a soft toast, you can't help but try it.Why is it that almost twice the surface of the toast is cooked with small bubbles? No, it's the result of slow fermentation under natural cold conditions. Okay, next time heat them up, don't let them freeze.Hand-made noodles are also used to treat colds.The day before, I had a cold and couldn't sweat.A lot of rubbing and wrestling, just feel...


It's a blast from the past.

It's not clear when it started, became very fond of durian, even a little addicted to durian.Every time I walk past the fruit stall, a durian smell comes over me, and I greedily suck in the unique scent of the air, and my mouth starts to overflow, haha.It's been said that eating durian is like talking about love, as if it makes sense.Some people are destined to be destined, some people are destined to be destined to be destined, some people are destined to be destined to be destined, some people are destined to be ...


Rum with double berries

I'm using a beautiful 10L mini-oven, the one that can't adjust the temperature! Various conditions are limited, so the finished product can't be compared to the big oven! The overall color will be deeper, but the inside will be a little wet. ...
