Hot dog bread

Put 140 grams of high-fiber flour, 75 grams of water, 20 grams of refined sugar, 10 grams of egg juice, 1/4 teaspoon of ...


Flower bread

All ingredients are placed in the wrapping machine, except for the rolled egg yolk and corn oil, and the process is star...


Whole wheat bread

The yeast is separated with water and other materials are added.
Mix the ingredients evenly with a razor blade, cove...


Bacon and cheese rolls

How can I find a match between a husband who doesn't like bacon and a husband who loves bacon, so let this bacon cheese roll work its magic!...


Bag of sprouted walnuts

The recipe comes from making bread with love and freedom, it's 205 grams of bread flour, no whole wheat flour, then it's red sugar, because I don't have red sugar at home, I use fine sugar, it's 160 grams of water, 50 grams of walnuts.In the process of baking, the smell comes out, the water flows out of the mouth......


Red bean sandwiches

Put all the dough materials except the butter in the stirring pot in order (first the liquid, then the salt and sugar, t...


Onion ham bread rolls

Put all the dough materials except the butter in the stirring bowl, remembering to add the salt, sugar and milk powder f...


Peanut bread

In winter, it's the season to eat potatoes, make this bread, it's delicious, come and try it. ...


Cream soft bread

This bread is super soft and tastes great! It's the most common bread in our house! Do you like it or not?...


Black sesame seeds

The black sesame seeds are delicious and fast....


Coconut bread rolls

At first, the idea of baking was to give the family some peace of mind, the benefits of making your own can be made according to your own needs, such as making a cake, I will reduce the sugar appropriately so that it is not as sweet as the one you buy outside.The other day her father bought a coconut bread, her daughter couldn't wait to open the lid, but she covered her nose for me, I smelled it, the excessive fragrance was mixed with coconut, it was a bit pungent, the material was fine, in addition to a lot of che...


Simple country bread - wheat germ bread

It's simple, there's really no decoration, except black wheat, added or coarse grain - barley and wheat germ, wheat germ after baking emits its distinctive aroma, country bread has no sweet bread soft, taste has no sweet bread delicate, there is no sweet bread rich filling, it has a unique wheat aroma...
