Lily of the Valley

It is a traditional magical dessert from the Bordeaux region of France.The dark crispy shell of the barbecue is full of thick caramel and rum scents, and the inner layer is filled with honeycomb-shaped holes, giving it a pudding-like fluffy, moist taste! ...


Fresh tea and frozen cheese

It's impossible to challenge everything! Very few people dare to make frozen cheese with a solid base other than a living base and silicone.This time, I used a heavy steel hexagonal cake to make tea frozen cheese, and as soon as I applied a little bit of de-moulding agent, the perfect pattern appeared before my eyes, what a surprise!...


Yoghurt cupcake

The square of a small sponge cake, using this special mold to make the shape of a cup, with yogurt or some fruit in the middle, is a cake that is very popular with children. ...


Turtle cake

I'm sure most of them are made for the children of the family, and they're delicious with soft gingerbread and cream fruit. ...


Sicilian orange cake

"This Sicilian orange cake is actually made by adding orange juice and orange peel to the pound cake, making the originally greasy pound cake taste refreshing and rich in fruit, rather than the raw or chocolate-like pound cake, which is arguably the best pound cake to eat."It's also one of my favorite winter energy snacks....


Tea and honey rolls

When the tea meets the red beans, it's not only romantic, but it's also delicious, suitable for the harsh winter days to be used as an afternoon tea snack....


The King King cake Chocolate banana ice cream box cake

Recently, box cakes have become very popular, and it is also more affordable to keep milk in boxes in the summer.After thinking about how to make this cake for a long time, I finally chose the combination of peanut butter, banana and chocolate, you can't imagine the delicious taste of these three things together, go ahead and try it!...


Carrot yogurt cake

This little carrot cake mold with eight wires is very cute, and it's usually bought to make the kids at home happy.Since it's for kids, not only does it have to be cute, but the food has to be low-fat and low-calorie to make the kids healthier.I bought two carrots back today, and I thought I'd make this oil-free, low-sugar carrot yogurt cake.Carotenoids are rich in carbohydrates, fats, volatile oils, carotenoids, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, carotenoids, calcium, iron, and other nutrients.But children general...


The magic milk frozen cake

The magic of this cake is that after baking, the dough is naturally divided into three layers, the top layer is like a sponge cake, the middle layer is like jelly, and the bottom layer is like candy. ...


Floating cake rolls

Floating cloud cake rolls, also known as MOF rolls.Produced by French dessert world champion Angelo MUSA, the mouthfeel is light as a cloud, soft as pudding, and the entrance is makeup.No wonder it's so hot......


Cake with maple syrup

Maple sugar is the most distinctive product of Canada, the country of the maple leaf, which is made by drilling holes in tall sugar maple trees to extract the juice and cooking it.It is said that Canada has a famous maple avenue from Quebec City in the east, along the St. Lawrence River in the west to Niagara Falls, an area of 800 kilometers spread over tens of thousands of sugar factories, large and small, producing 32,000 tons of maple sugar annually, accounting for more than 80% of the world's total production.M...


A diamond-shaped tea with honey beans

"I haven't made colored cake rolls in a while, and the dining hall has awakened the sloths! My colored cake rolls are back, so if everyone likes them, I'll do a few of them! Of course, some of them are sloppy, maybe not perfect, but the more the better!" ...
