Cake with orange peels

Oranges are my favorite fruit in the winter, they're sweet and sour, they're moisturizing, they're rich in vitamin C, and they're best eaten in the dry winter.While we enjoy the delicious flesh of the fruit, don't waste the peel, it's a great natural flavor, and adding it to the dessert is definitely a drawing pen. ...


Lemon soda pound cake

Wouldn't it be sweet to eat more cake? There's a pound of cake right now that tastes fresh and tasty -- not only does it use lemon, but it also uses soda instead of baking powder... it's a great idea! ...


The golden cake

It is a moist-tasting, soft and moderately sweet cake that is ideal for the elderly and children.Its ingredients are readily available, and the egg-shaped approach, water-bath baking, has a high success rate.The cake will shrink after baking, and in general, the height of the cake paste determines the final height of the cake, so the cake tastes good, has a strong texture, and has the delicate feel of a cheesecake.Such a brick cake, enough for two adults to eat Oh! mold: positive square non-sticky mold 1 (six-inch ...


High success rate of cocoa sponge cake

Since I started baking, more than 90% of the cakes I've made have been sourdough cakes, because I love the fact that they taste as soft as clouds.Sponge cake is tried less and less, probably because of the problem of the method of preparation, the taste of the sponge cake made before does not match the name, the taste is really bad.Friends who have done it know that spreading whole eggs is a more laborious process, and often spreading them out of place causes the back to fade, affecting the final taste of the cake....


Santa's little cake

Prepare all ingredients, milk, eggs to be reheated in advance.
The whole egg is placed in the egg-making bowl, and t...


Hive coal ball cake

6mm mold 150 degrees up and down fire middle layer 30min...


Honey cake

My son told me to make a cake and take it to kindergarten and share it with my friends.So I baked two small cakes and two small biscuits and brought them over. ...


Orange peel chocolate and Kouglof pound cake

The recipe - Kumamoto Hiroyuki, the ultimate cake dessert decoration technique, slightly adjusted, Goo Goo Hoff mold 1 6 inch mold or 2 4 inch mold...


Tea and cheese cake

Before starting the recipe, let's spread the knowledge of tea: there are studies that show that tea polyphenols can remove excessive harmful free radicals in the body, can regenerate high-efficiency antioxidants such as α-VE VC GSH SOD in the human body, thus protecting and repairing the antioxidant system, has a significant effect on strengthening the body's immunity against cancer against aging Regular consumption of green tea reduces blood sugar, lipids, and blood pressure, thereby preventing cardiovascular di...


The leopard cake roll

It was done last weekend, and the steak was already in the mirror, and to record the process, it's a very simple cake roll, or the cake is a little bit yellow, or he should be a cowboy..Now the tragedy has turned into a leopard..I don't like cream-filled cake rolls, so I used a cheese-filled cake roll in the middle for about 10 minutes....


This is the first time I've seen it in my life.

On top of the mashed potatoes, spread the mashed potatoes, almond flour, flour, creamery, and baked pound cake with a firm texture.In order to maintain the unique bright green of matcha, the tea should be removed quickly before the surface turns brown.The crispy yogurt and the thick cake are intertwined with the thick taste of matcha, combined with fresh cream, which is a great pleasure. ...


Elegant and noble - blueberry cake

The eggs are placed in a bowl, added to fine sugar and vanilla extract, and stirred evenly until the sugar melts, withou...
