A small cheesecake

Digested biscuits are crushed into unpeeled powder, dissolved butter is added, and the butter and biscuits are mixed wit...


Thousand layers of coffee cake

Copied from Vienna!...


Cake maker small cake

Put the eggs in.
Sugar in the game.
Using an egg beater to beat the yolk, the egg beater is lifted up, and the p...


Yoghurt cake

Have all the materials ready.
The butter is melted in hot water, added to the yogurt, and stirred evenly with a manu...


Durian green tea honey

When summer comes, I like to have a little fresh flavor, like this green tea cake, it's very good, plus my favorite durian cream, wow~ good taste! Oh! These durian cream creams are left over when making durian bubbles oh~ many people will ask, send the cream creams, don't finish, how to dispose of themI usually make a wooden cup or bake a 10-inch square cake, cut it into small squares, and then apply the leftover cream in the middle, how do you consume them?...


Milk and muffins

The simplest quick breakfast, nutritious and healthy. ...


Healthy and delicious - sesame chicken cake

This small chicken cake is very common, and the ingredients needed are also common.When you see it, you can't help but touch it, and when you eat it, you can't stop talking.Simplicity, taste, and nutrition are its characteristics.It doesn't have any additives, and it's a healthy cake that deserves to be eaten!...


Coconut and lemon cake

After preparing all the ingredients, mix the dry ingredients (low powder, baking powder, baking soda, fine sugar, coconu...


Madeleine's cake

Madeleine has always been my favorite dessert, in fact, I don't like the taste of it very much, so I'm interested in making it, it's the little belly of the drum drum that's so cute! Last weekend I went to the BBQ at home, the name asked me to make some heart for everyone, considering the portability, this heart was made by me without hesitation as a tribute to the family!...


Madeleine's love letter is full of chocolate.

Flour, cocoa powder, powdered mixture
Egg juice with sugar
One or two drops of perfume.
Mixed powder for scr...


Madeleine's love letter to the fresh lemon

On the basis of Jun's teacher's raw flavor, reduce 10 g of sugar, double the lemon peel, and sprinkle sugar powder when eating, the layers are clearer.A small shell cake from the hand of the maid Madeleine, with a clearly visible shell pattern and a small belly with a round drum on the opposite side, so that the shell can stand up.In the evening, write a love letter to Madeleine, the lemon represents the youthful years we spent together for four years, the cocoa represents the fire-like sweetness of love, the tea r...


Pumpkin cakes

Pre-ripened pumpkins
Pressed into clay with a spoon
Egg yolk separation; clean containers without water or oil;<...
