Stollen - a classic traditional Christmas bread

Stollen is a traditional German Christmas bread that has been around for centuries and has evolved into countless recipes and shapes.For the most classic of them, it can only be said that every German family has its own Stollen.So we don't have to worry, good food is the most classic.Since it's going to be Christmas, why don't you try the traditional Stollon! Today is the end of the ten-day shelf life, I can't wait to take out the first slice, as soon as I entered it felt a little bit like a slice, a little bit lik...


Onion net bags

Bread oil is made by adding white sugar cane butter to water, cooking it on high heat until it boils, reducing it to a s...


Magical, low-fat, healthy and delicious - pocket bread

PITA BREAD is a staple food in the Arab countries of the Middle East, and I love this type of staple bread, which rises high like a balloon during high-heat baking, magical, interesting, magical, low-fat, healthy and delicious - pocket bread.Pocket bread has the advantage of being low in fat and low in calories compared to hamburgers, because it is very low in fat and sugar, and it is absolutely suitable for people who want to lose weight all day long.It's also good to eat, because it's less added, so you can chew ...


Dried bread rolls of cinnamon blueberries

Cinnamon has a unique smell, some of my friends don't like it because it's thick, but I love the smell of cinnamon.Cinnamon and cinnamon peel are distinguished by their fragrant flavor and cut, cinnamon's fragrance is strongly fragrant and sweet and spicy, its cut has a milky white stripe near the outer layer, while the fragrance of cinnamon peel is different, the fragrance is slightly fragrant and sweet or even slightly pungent and spicy, its cut is intermittent milky white stripe or no cinnamon.There is also a di...


Peanut butter bread

I'm the only one who loves the fragrance of coconut, I'll make a few in a week, and the whole family will be overwhelmed by the fragrance of coconut.A glass of milk or a bowl of cereal for breakfast can be very satisfying. ...


Whole wheat ham bread

This bread is made according to the gentleman's recipe, with a slight modification.It tastes good, my son ate it and will eat it again.Individuals think that salads are a bit too much, a bit too greasy, after all, salads are not a good thing to eat.It's okay to adjust your tastes from time to time. ...


Small snail carrot cocoa bread

Cute little snail caramel cocoa bread, using the CM-1500 cook machine to grind the dough, strong power, film out faster!...


Apple and cinnamon rolls

Continue the sweetness of the apple sauce, add the scent of cinnamon powder, and bake a warm and happy winter afternoon! ~by @Yoko Ono...


Christmas tree bread

The most harmonious thing in the world, I guess, is the Christmas tree and the Christmas hat! The Christmas tree is the most indispensable element of Christmas! And it's certainly not enough to bring home the decorations of the Christmas tree, but also to eat the deliciousness of the Christmas tree and the blessings of the peanut butter in your stomach! This Christmas tree, with peanut butter on the bread, the peanut scent on the whole peanut butter, full of Christmas atmosphere, are you attracted?...


Cabbage bread

The coconut-scented coconut bread is a favorite of the little ones, with the cook's machine helping to knead the dough, all kinds of delicious bread can be easily baked!...


Walnut and blueberry bread

Except for the filling, the blueberries and the sugar powder, all the other ingredients are put into the cooking machine...


Cabbage bread

Collection of raw materials
Use half water-soluble dry yeast in the recipe
The remaining ingredients (including ...
